Bill Myers has left the range.

Sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. We will miss Bill.
May God comfort you and your family in these deepest sympathy
and prayers are with you. GOB BLESS

A great loss

Inez, I would like to express my condolences to you and the family. His passing is a great loss to our sport. He was a very unique person and will be sorely missed by the shooting community.
Bob Pekaar
My deepest sympathy to you and your family. I only knew Bill for the last 2 or 3 years. He helped me in Benchrest and I sure do enjoy the rifle he built for me. Whenever I would call he would help me out and he will be missed.
Dan Batko
San Angelo, Texas

We will all miss Bill dearly. He shared much of his knowledge with many of us, both shooters and smiths alike. His impact and contributions to this sport will never be forgotten.

You and your family will be in our prayers.


Please accept my condolences. Although we all expected this news, it is always sad when we get it. I hope you can be strong during this trying time. I know from our correspondences last week that he was receiving great care from you and that he knew the love of the many friends he had.

Bill was the kind of guy who gained the respect and love of many of us in the shooting fraternity by quietly and without fanfare, building some of the best equipment available, evident by the many records his creations set. I greatly prize the three he built for me.

A real gentleman, always available to talk over a project or idea, and a pleasure to visit with and be around. We will all miss him greatly.


I am very sorry for your and your family's great loss. Bill is in a better place with no pain today.

We 22 shooters will also miss Bill.

I would like to kindly correct you just a little and I hope you don't mind. Bill will remain for a long time at our ranges in our memories. We will miss him. He was our friend and guide.

Bill Wynne
Even though a UK Shooter we have all herd of Bill's name. My deepest sympathy to you in this difficult time.

It is a sad occasion indeed. I will definitely miss Bill, and miss talking with him, and shooting with him. Bill had a great sense of humor, and it was always enjoyable to shoot with him and just to be around him, and Inez too.
It hasn't been long ago that he called me to tell me about a new barrel he had put on his sporter that he shot 5 consecutive 250's with, I think he went on to shoot about a dozen in practice with it. He was just as excited as if he had just shot his first 250 in his life, and Bill shot many 250's! Bill was a super sporter shooter!
That last conversation is the way I want to remember Mr. Myers, full of happiness and full of energy. I've lost yet another great friend, and I've never had enough friends.
We have all lost a great friend of the shooting sports, and of the gunsmithing fraternity. My sincere condolences to Inez and the family. Bill will be missed by many.

Please accept my sincerest condolences at your loss. My only dealings with Bill were by telephone keeping me up todate on the progress of the rifle he was building for me. Through these conversations I knew his knowledge of benchrest 22's was unsurpassed and i immediately thought of him as a friend. I will cherish the fine instrument he built for me for many years to come and will pass it on to my son. My prayers will be of you.


David Baker

I have spent most of the day trying to find the words that might somehow depict how I feel today. I'm sorry, they have not yet arrived.

I can say that every time I pull a trigger on one of the rifles Bill built I will think kindly of my friend. Every good score I shoot will be, in part at least, due to the kind words of tutelage Bill provided, and sometimes the grilling I got when I did not listen, or maybe just did not understand. His memory will remain at the ranges and he will be spoken of kindly for a long time to come. I will cherish each and every one of those conversations as we march down the road of time.

I am sorry for your loss. It was obvious when both of you were together how deeply you cared for one another. May you find peace knowing Bill is up there telling everyone how to do it, and enjoying every moment of it.

Do come shoot once in a while if you feel the urge. Many of us would love to see you at the bench.

Perhaps I will know what to say next week when we gather to celebrate Bill and his life. bob
Inez.............................................. .................

Bill will be greatly missed......he has done a lot for the sport and helped many shooters to improve their skills.........he will be greatly missed by all of us that knew him. I have been praying for him since I heard of his illness...and you and your family will continue to be in our prayers.
That is really sad news. I was talking to Bill late last year about getting a barrel over to the UK. I think he again took ill at that time.

My best wishes and sympathies go out to his family.
you lost bill I lost a friend
my thoughts and prayers are with you
Memorial Service

We're going to have a memorial service for Bill on Wednesday, May 26th at 6:00 PM at Bradley Funeral Home in Luray. That day is our 15th wedding anniversary. I know it's an odd time of week, but there are two shoots on bookend weekends around that date and I didn't want anyone to have to choose between competing and maybe coming to the service. Early evening seems to be a good time for working folks. It will not be elaborate or fancy --he said he wanted a group of his friends and family to get together to remember the good times with him and to tell some stories. So, that's just what we'll do. If it's too far to drive home that night, you're welcome to camp out at the house -- plenty of couches, a daybed and an extra queen-size bed in the guest room.

Any Special Memorial

Several down here at our club want to do something in Bill's honor. Any preferances?
I also would like to extend my sympathy and prayers to all the family members. Bill had just in early February completed rebarreling my Suhl for me - my only true benchrest rimfire. I'll always remember how patient he was in answering my many questions - he will be missed.