Best Scope Under $1200.00

First Air Gun as shown on the targets displayed is shot for Score not Group. Second at the 22-25 yd distance a 12X scope does just fine. My friend shot 2 perfect 6 target scores using one. If you go back and read you will see that I used a Weaver 36X. Comeback when you shoot some Air Gun and tell us what you think about scopes.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR


I don't see the "targets displayed" to which you are referring. Please help me find them.

I don't understand the last line you wrote.:confused::confused: I have shot a whole lot more than "some Air Gun", and I think I can speak with experience about scopes and their use therein.



I don't see the "targets displayed" to which you are referring. Please help me find them.

I don't understand the last line you wrote.:confused::confused: I have shot a whole lot more than "some Air Gun", and I think I can speak with experience about scopes and their use therein.


get you a muller scope versitle scope good warranty 26 power i think i have the 16 powwer x50 around 200 clear glass call air hog they got them on sale
At the last RF BR match I attended there was a sporter and an unlimited sitting on adjacent benches. The sporter had a 6 or 9x or whatever the rules require and the unlimited had a 60x [ !!!! 50 yds !!! ] March. It was amazing how much brighter the low powered scope was.

I fired about 100 shots through my Steyr 91 today in the backyard, 36x Weaver. I don't know that a more expensive scope would give any performance advantage.

On a side note, a couple of weeks back I went to an FT match to check out the rifles and shoot one or two. I took my rest, rear bag, flags, etc. I did notice that the Nightforce on the rifle I shot would not give a sharp target AND no parallax. To get the parallax out I had to live with a fuzzy target. The FT guys say they don't even worry about parallax which seems crazy to me.

They also liked the windflags and the joystick rest.
try the muller highest power i shot sometime at dusk i can see great it has a parralex and a red dot you can turn on and ajust brightness trust me youll love it let me know how things work out or go with the tasco 10x40 for about 149.00 it is good if you are shooting 25 yard matches you should be fine good luck i like the highest muller its a true target scope like i said i got mine from marlin at air hog the number is 1-888-871-1722 tell him bret sent ya he will hook you up these guys are good at these questions good luck guy
I am new to AGBR this year. I have a Bushnell 4200 6X24 on my .22 Theoben. I shoot both indoor and outside 25 Yard matches. I also have a .177 Theoben MFR both with Gary Lemons BenchRest stocks. The .177 has a Weaver T36. I use a Gene Davis 3X booster also on the T36 and like it fine. The 4200 is under powered and will be replacing it with a Leupold 45X LCS with a Gene Davis 3X boost off of my Turbo for the winter.

Holbrook AGBR Match Director

I think you misunderstood what we said about parallax, when we "rangefind" we are essentially dialing out parallax error.

We are just not worried as much about fine tuning it to benchrest standards since we are not on a stable platform as you have.

The nightforce you used was specifically made to range find with and I'm sure if the eyepiece was adjusted to you it would have dialed out parallax more effectively, remember the owner wears glasses his scope wont properly adjust for me either due to his settings.

I prefer the leupold Comp in 35X, I dont shoot airgun BR but the leupold works nicely on my FT rig, well worth the money in my opinion.


Congrats on finding a venue hopefully the word spreads to get some competitors to join in. Lord knows it's tough, we get about 1 new member a year at the FT club.
One of the reasons BR shooters need to be anal about parallax is that we don't have a good cheek weld like other shooting sports rely on.

Jon, I'm counting on some of the FT guys to come out and try some AGBR :)
Just my two cents worth. I have been using a new scope on my Springer rifle and so far really like it's performance. I'm not exactly sure of the price but I think it's about $400.00.
It's a 5 x 20 power G & R that has several ballistic mil dots on the recticle. When shooting at 25 yards it has worked extremely well and has a parrallax adjustment down to 8 yards.

I also use this rifle to control pigeons and like the lower power settings especially late in the evening when there is not as much light.
Over my 14 years of shooting IR 50/50 BR I kind of got hooked on the single power scopes using both Weaver and Burris 6X's on my Sporters, while using Leupold 36X's on my Heavy guns. So, naturally when I began to spill over into AGBR I brought along one of my 36X's and threw it onto my new ZM Theoben MFR in .177 cal. Don't get me wrong, I still feel it's a great scope, and have shot 250's both in practice and competition when using it, plus have recently shot, in practice, a 250-17X IR 50/50 target with the gun. But, I've had one heck of a time getting my hold-offs straight on windy days due to the reduced yardage and over-magnification, and am thinking of switching over to something more variable to get away from the single power restriction, plus, to make the gun a little more versatile when backyard shooting.

I haven't wanted to back off as far as going to a 6-24X as I feel I need more than 24X, just not as much as 36X. So, at first I was thinking of going with a Bushnell Elite 4200 series in a 8-32X. But then started thinking about how nice it might be to have a side wheel parallax adjustment to make it a whole lot easier when switching back-and-forth between single-distance shooting (25Y) and backyard shooting (who knows what Y), or even maybe doing a little FT shooting. So, the Burris 8-32X Black Diamond series scope quickly came into play. The problem here is, I haven't been able to pin down just how close the Burris will focus down to.

Another scope that I've been reading a lot about ever since last winter is the new Nikko Sterling Diamond Sportsman series. Here we have a 10-60x scope with a 60mm Objective Lens, 1/8 min Click Adjustments with High Competition Target Turrets, and 30mm One-Piece Tube that will focus down to as close as 10Y. If it is anywhere near as good as advertised, or as written up about in the August edition of Airgun World Magazine, this will be the scope of champions, both on the range and in the backyard. It's quite an investment though as it lists for just under £590, or right around $1025.00 shipping of course.

Keep in mind though, if you are looking into buying one of these Diamond Sportsman series scopes that they have just be re-released as they were recently re-designed, so make sure of what you are getting. Plus, Nikko Sterling makes more than one style of scope with all but this single scope being produced in China under far lesser quality control standards, and for a far lesser price, where the Diamond Sportsman Series is produced in Japan under the strictest of standards all the way around!

Well, there's my .02¢ worth on the subject.

Dave Shattuck
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This is a P.S. to the above. I was just over at the Airguns of Arizona website and saw that they have the Nikko Sterling Diamond Sporteman series scopes mentioned above, and are selling them for $779.00. But, when comparing the scope pictured on their website with the ones pictured in the write-up, and advertisement, in Airgun World Magazine, theirs is the older model before the upgrade took place.

So, if you are interested in buying one of these scopes, but want the newer design with all the latest bells and whistles, make sure you ask for the scope to have the Green Competiton Target Turrets, Knob Caps, and Power Adjustment Ring as these are the features that differentiate the older models, which were all black, from the newer ones.
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yea guy i will look into it the guys at air hog just stuck me i bought the 4x16 from them the windage broke on it it cost me 18.75 to send it back plus they want replae it and they only want to give maybe thats maybe 75% of my money back i paid 175 for it they may not give me a dime back i thought these guys were good fellows its the owner not martin hes doing what he can i so feed up with the companys that stick it to you when you try to give them your buisness i bought gun and every thing from these guys not just the scope thanks for the feed back guy yell back with any thing you here out there on scopes were do you contact the br 50 airrifle matches at guy thanks