Best over the counter handgun loads?

But if you kill the nice guy who was robbing you it's possible that his wife and maybe kids or mother and cousins and whoever else could show up in court all tears and bawling about how you done killed poor little Rodney who was the sole support of his family. The fact that this support involved stealing and other crimes is of no concern to the sleazeball lawyer who is trying to sue you into the poor house to enrich him/herself.
My personal view is that I would never shoot a person for a property theft, but would drop anyone in a second for threatening my family.

There are a lot of people who don't share your generous attitude. If I were to catch you in my house with my computer or silverware in your hands (and I'm not saying that would ever happen) I wouild shoot to stop you. If you die thats unfortunate...for you. Your life woudn't be worth any more to me if you had chosen to break into my home and take my property than the life of a mouse I catch chewing holes in my clothing. It's not threating my life or that of my family, it's just vermin. Actually your life would be worth less to me because the mouse isn't in a position to understand the morality of what it's doing. The trouble is if everyone shared your attitude human verim would be making unarmed burglaries constantly with no fear. In some places it is that way. I don't want to live in a society like that.

Laws vary with location. I'm not advocating breaking the law to kill criminals, but I'm not advocation protecting criminals because of the "value of life" either. If you have operable cancer it's better to remove the cancerous tissue than to allow it to grow just because its alive.
The fact that this support involved stealing and other crimes is of no concern to the sleazeball lawyer who is trying to sue you into the poor house to enrich him/herself.

Unfortunately they have the precident of what the government does to provide "welfare" though taxation backed up by guns if you resist being incarcerated for non payment.
We're worse off now than in the 1920s with Al Capone running Chicago. He didn't take nearly as big of percentage as the IRS nor did he insult the people by pretending they'd voted for him to do it.
Best over the counter

handgun loads are the ones fired into a "specific target" from an unknown point of origin ! ........ ;)
You'll note that I didn't say I would shake my finger at a robber and ask him to go home and pray about it! I would make a citizen's arrest if possible, but I'm not going to shoot a 15 year old kid I catch stealing my stereo just because he is in my house. My stereo isn't worth his life, and contrary to popular opinion some people do change if they are allowed to live through a very, bad decision. Then again, if he threatens me or my family in any way he's a statistic. I guess we all have a right to our own values and morals.