BrentD: This old Ballard is being shot in east central Florida so it must be the salt air or density altitude causing the anomolee. One thing for sure I don't think I'll take the hack saw to the barrel to see what happens. Just kidding of course. Now not to confuse the issue, but this rifle shoots target grade and standard velocity extreamly well as long as you stick to 50 yds. Usually MOA (1/2") or less with an occassional flier, usually a dropped shot. Trouble is I have a pretty good selection of Eley, Lapaua, Wolf and some lesser brands in the target and standard velocity. Like I said it shoots great groups at 50, but when shot at 100yds with this same selection of SV the groups don't hold.....so maybe its the gun or just me, but I don't think so because like I said as I start using high velocity at the 100 yd range, the groups start comming back. As I go up in velocity from 1050/1070 to say 1135 fps from Aguila Standard extra or Win Dynapoints the groups get better. Even better yet as I go up to higher velocity using 1200 to 1250 or so from Fed AM or 510 the groups improve. The best groups very near MOA are obtained using CCI mini mag HP at around 1260 amd the best groups are with Lapua Speed Ace at 1300 something.......So its easy to say the Lapua is the best quality ammo in this range and that accounts for it, but I really don't have much of a choise of selection of high quality high velocity ammo. All I know is that regardless of which high velocity ammo all of it holds together better as far as groups go then the target or standard velocity in this 30" barrel. I'd sure like someone to give me a good explanation for this other than mine of bullet drag in the 30" barrel. Well maybe I just hack the barrel off and see..........Plum