Best factory .22 LR rifle


Excuse my poor english, isnt my mother tongue.

What is the best factory made (accurate) 22 LR rifle money can buy ?

What your experience if you compare Anchutz and Cooper?

If you change the barrel of CZ 452 with one premium (Krieger, Lilja,...)
how it compare with these above mentioned?

If you dont feel confortable with my question about Cooper X Anchutz, please send a private message.

so many questions...

Thank you


The best factory rimfire out there is the Feinwerkbau 2700 everyone I have seen really shoots, they just love Eley and if you look at the Ely webpage a FWB 2700 holds the test range record. I don’t own one but I’ve had my but kicked a few times by them.


The best factory rimfire out there is the Feinwerkbau 2700 everyone I have seen really shoots, they just love Eley and if you look at the Ely webpage a FWB 2700 holds the test range record. I don’t own one but I’ve had my but kicked a few times by them.

Like peter says- Feinwerkbau-then Anschutz or spend the money and get a custom rifle built. I have heard that while a CZ 452 is a very good plinking rifle they aren not compitition rifles. Stand to be corrected if I am wrong. If you want in the race you gotta pay to place.garrisone.
FWB 2700 Supermatch Benchrest


This is the best factory rifle that needs no modifaction at the moment. I have 2 that have won many many times, we have another 2 in our club that have also won. Ask DJ & Craig over in THE USA, they had a fiddle with mine at practise in Italy World Champs & DJ said it's the best factory rifle he has tried & was equal to his Calfee " thats a big statement"...
At a price of $4,125, it's just a bit more than I'm willing to spend on a "factory" rifle. Heck, it's a lot more than I'm willing to spend on any rifle!

Guess I'll just have to be happy shooting 249s instead of 250s with my $500 Win. 52C. Okay, okay, I've spent as much as $1,500 over 5 years getting it to shoot as well as it does, but it's won several local matches and a few targets elsewhere along the way.

I might invest in some better wind flags, though. The ones I made from plastic sign stock, wire coathangers, and pop-top tabs look a bit shabby on their used (free) music stands, even though they work okay.

Excuse my poor english, isnt my mother tongue.

What is the best factory made (accurate) 22 LR rifle money can buy ?

What your experience if you compare Anchutz and Cooper?

If you change the barrel of CZ 452 with one premium (Krieger, Lilja,...)
how it compare with these above mentioned?

If you dont feel confortable with my question about Cooper X Anchutz, please send a private message.

so many questions...

Thank you


Hi Liseo

I have both Anschutz and Cooper target rifles and both are very good. If you go to RFC Cooper forum, there are postings on there the past few days that Cooper Arms of Montana has just been sold to an East Coast USA company, Wilson Arms... What this will mean for the future of Cooper is unknown at this time...

As to the Cooper and Anscutz rifles I have, I like them both, I think the Anschutz has the edge for accuracy but not by much however I've had it longer and its had more work to tune it than my Cooper I bought in November which I've only about 125 rounds through at this point. Once my Cooper is broken in and tuned, I fully expect it will give the Anschutz a run for top accuracy. Its hard to compare a new gun to a gun I have been working with longer but I have to say I think the older Anschutz has a much smoother action but that is an unfair comparison until I get more rounds through the Cooper... They are both great guns...

Good Shooting...
Well I don't know how much more accurate a $3500 gun can shoot vs a bone stock Suhl with a tuner added and dropped in a McMillan stock. You can get a Suhl tricked out for $1400 or less. The triggers are killers and so is the barrel. I can't see many bench gun 22's costing no telling how much shooting any better groups at 25yds than the ones I posted. I know they are only 25yds, but that distance takes a lot of the variables out and lets you see just how super accurate a gun really is. I have trouble just saying the name Feinwerkbau. It even sounds expensive, but I would bet a good Suhl barrel would give them all they want and do so for less than a 1/3 of the price. I doubt many custom barrels would shoot hardly any better than my bone stock factory barrel Suhl. I know Lamon Loggins had a killer factory Suhl barrel that I was told by a man who knows and has seen it shoot that would shoot with a many of a custom rig. He sold it to a guy that gave him a hefty premium I do believe. Gary Mitchell had one that kicked a many cutom guns as well. My buddy Mr. Casey has a bone stock one in the same factory stock with a Hoehn tuner that shoots phenominal. It would take one heck of a Anschutz or any other rifle to beat the Suhls on a gun to gun basis. Every Suhl seems to know one thing, and that is how to shoot and do it extremely well. ;)
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Many thanks to alls who replied to my post.
Seens hard to decide with so many good options.
Is the Suhls a currently made rifle?


They made the Suhl 150 rifles first. The Suhl 150-1 Model came next later on and were made to 1991. The first Suhl 150 rifles were made in Dec of 1973. Tim Allen can still get parts for Suhls. He goes by banjo I believe here and on RFC.
Hello Liseo,

I take it Anschutz is the top off your price range? They are very well made and need little or no add-on’s. Most here don’t like the 20 series and instead go back to the 19 series that uses the model 54 action. These are arguable, the best mass produced loading actions. The Alu stocks can be a pain to get right, they seem to take for every to set up at times.

The Feinwerkbau is a very nice rifle, which has quite a bit off success. It’s cheaper than the Anschutz to buy. Most shooters though change the butt plate and add weights, new sights ect. These add-on’s bring it up to or just over the cost of the Anschutz. Nice and easy to set up stock.

One Rifle I like that no one has said anything about is the Walther.It’s the same price (take or give a $) as the Feinwerkbau, but it comes with everything in the price, even a hard gun case that has lots of room in it! The easiest to set the stock up on, easy to load ect ect.

All 3 rifles are very similar to shoot and group very close to each other. I believe it comes down to the shooter more than the rifle, they are all that good!

Being set in my ways though, I’ll stick with my much loved BSA International MK III… It rocks :p
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I will take a close look to the Anschutz series.
I see in theirs home-page some options.
The model 1416 DHB heavy barrel, the model 64 MP R , the model 64 SB R benchrest.
Since where I live I don´t have the option at least to look at these rifles:mad:,
what of these models you guys think is best ? ( accuracy) or the difference
is only cosmetic?


When you asked for the best, as in money is not a consideration, then you must look at the Bleiker. It has been the choice of some of the very best shooters in the world.
I will take a close look to the Anschutz series.
I see in theirs home-page some options.
The model 1416 DHB heavy barrel, the model 64 MP R , the model 64 SB R benchrest.
Since where I live I don´t have the option at least to look at these rifles:mad:,
what of these models you guys think is best ? ( accuracy) or the difference
is only cosmetic?


Liseo, take a look at this page 7 of Champion Choice (after clicking on Rifle at left) and consider some of the Anchutz Benchrest rifles...
If money is not a problem I would go for the 2013 as you can buy Lilja drop in barrels (it is easy to change barrels on the Anschutz 2013).

If money is a point, I would opt for the 64 Benchrest.

And, please, when you buy one, come to Rio de Janeiro to atend some Rimfire BR matches!!!! :)
One of the guys here has a Bleiker BR gun and I see plenty of the good smallbore shooters using them too, they are a very nice action, but they don’t make a BR gun and from here a Bleiker barrelled action is in the same price range as something from Calfee.

Suhl 150

As several people have already covered the positive attributes of the Suhl 150 I won't repeat them, but it would be my first choice for breaking into .22 benchrest shooting. Particularly lately when I've seen brand new rifles in the classifieds going for as little as $800.
When you asked for the best, as in money is not a consideration, then you must look at the Bleiker. It has been the choice of some of the very best shooters in the world.

I agree rbs, these are easly the top of the tree, but expensive! Only buy the barrel and action, use an Anschutz stock. It'll save a lot of heart break... ;)

What is the difference between the Anschutz 54 action and 54 Sporter action? Also, doesn't the 64 action only have one locking lug?
What is the difference between the Anschutz 54 action and 54 Sporter action? Also, doesn't the 64 action only have one locking lug?

Dale, don't know about the lugs on a 64 but I believe the 54 sporter action would have a clip as opposed to a single shot.

The 64's I've seen lately, only have one lug. As for the 54's, the sporter has a clip.

Just goes to show my ignorance. I've been shooting a 54 sporter action in our squirrel matches for two years and all the time I thought it may be a 64 action. The rifle is a 1710 22LR with a heavy barrel.