Benchrest Stock



Hello Guys,
I am doing my first BR build and would like some recommendations on a stock for 600 to 1000 yard shooting. The action is a Bat model M 1.55, barrel is 1.350 for about 3inchs and tapers to .900 at muzzle. I am just curious what is popular and why.
Thanks for any Opinions and Advice, LG
I think you will get more feedback from reading match results than from shooters here.
Just too few long range shooters on this forum.
Several that work. mc millian, kelblys and some wood with both 3" and 5" widths.

Hello Guys,
I am doing my first BR build and would like some recommendations on a stock for 600 to 1000 yard shooting. The action is a Bat model M 1.55, barrel is 1.350 for about 3inchs and tapers to .900 at muzzle. I am just curious what is popular and why.
Thanks for any Opinions and Advice, LG
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Another stock that is becoming popular is the PRT series from Precision rifle. They have a low profile and wide front. I have saw quite a few on the line lately. You are probably going to have to watch weight because the action is heavy. I use a Bat M with the Multi flat and a fiberglass Shehane MBR Tooley tracker and just make weight. I can't use a Nightforce because of weight. Matt
Hello Guys,
I am doing my first BR build and would like some recommendations...
Thanks for any Opinions and Advice, LG

I recommend you set that action and barrel aside for the day you want a heavy gun and buy a Model B or S and a heavy varmint contour barrel for your light gun build.:cool:
Hello Guys,
I am doing my first BR build and would like some recommendations on a stock for 600 to 1000 yard shooting.
Thanks for any Opinions and Advice, LG

LG - which format are going to compete in (NBRSA, IBS, OR PEN) ?

For Light gun 1K I would get a low profile stock like the McMillan Fclass - Other good choice is the ST1000 from Scope us

Both of these ride the bags really well and can be used in both LG and HG.

Most of the other stock options just cost more but they are nice.

Guys, The rifle will be used for informal competition. Do not have time to travel for formal competition.
I spoke to D and B concerning the 1000 stock, and really like it.
I struggle with the tactical rifles grouping consistently at long range.
There has been lotsa records set with the ST1000 I hope it shoots well for you. Come shoot some IBS or NBRSA long range benchrest some time, you might like it so much you will find the time to do it again.
Good luck with your rifle building project.
Come have some fun

Guys, The rifle will be used for informal competition. Do not have time to travel for formal competition.
I spoke to D and B concerning the 1000 stock, and really like it.
I struggle with the tactical rifles grouping consistently at long range.

If you are close to Arizona (Tucson) - I would let you shoot one of my HG and LG at a match. We shoot NBRSA 1K format here - and you can shoot 3, 5 shot, targets for LG and 3, 10 shot, targets for HG. I will supply all the bullets and powder, and rifles for that match.

Just come have some fun with us. :cool:

Can anyone tell me if the McMillan Tooley MBR has a flat on the buttstock from the pistol grip to the toe. Thanks.

It doesn't have a "flat" like the Shehane stocks. It is rounded but the curve does flatten out a bit right at the bottom. A rear bag with 3/8" spacing supports the stock well.

Good Shooting.

Can anyone tell me if the McMillan Tooley MBR has a flat on the buttstock from the pistol grip to the toe. Thanks.

Can't say for the McMillan, but my Shehane Tooley MBR (laminate) is 5/8" flat on the buttstock (3" flat on the fore-arm).
I use the "double stitched" rear bags with it.

Also as advised above, you should attend a 600/1000-BR match some time.
Betting you will enjoy them, and every sanctioned range is always looking for more shooters.
Good Luck
Thanks to all who replied and commented. I would like to attend a match does anyone know of any in Tn. I would like to have some recommendations On a front rest, something I could grow on and not have to replace for lack of quality in a year or so.
Memphis has IBS 600 yd benchrest. As for a rest... I have tried about everything there is except a Seb Neo and I just bought a Randolph Fulgram rest that I think will be right for me once I get a steel plate machined to replace the aluminium base it came with. I know several good shooters use it and it's ambidextrous so it can't be all wrong.
Thanks to all who replied and commented. I would like to attend a match does anyone know of any in Tn. I would like to have some recommendations On a front rest, something I could grow on and not have to replace for lack of quality in a year or so.

To start out with - try a Hart or Sinclair type - won't break the bank and it can be used in all competitions.

OP,,,you shuld thank Jerry (response #9) ,,,that is a gentleman offering to help in the best way possible,,,even if you live in the east ,,he meant well,,,Roger