Benchrest Hall of Fame point list


Kelly Ellis
Where or can a person access a complete list of Hall of Fame points? not the list of members with the required 10 but a list of everyone that has 1 point or more. Short Range Group only.
Thanks in advance.
Hall of Fame standings

Where or can a person access a complete list of Hall of Fame points? not the list of members with the required 10 but a list of everyone that has 1 point or more. Short Range Group only.
Thanks in advance.

Open the group HOF blog
Open the .xls attachment
At the top of the page is a border with hall of fame letterhead
Open this tab and it will give you the shooter and their points
US Benchrest Hall of Fame

I've been maintaining the list for Rex Reneau since 2001 and am about to post the 2018 additions in a week or so.

The file I post to the NBRSA website (where before there was a direct link form Benchrest Central) is an Excel file with several tabs.

There is a tab marked "Short Summary" that shows the names of all of the inductees to date.

There is another tab that is marked "Summary" that shows all of the points by individual to date.

There is a third tab marked "HALLFAME" that has Rex's Excel file up through 2001.

Then there are several tabs that show who won what yardage, grand and three-gun at each IBS and the NBRSA Nationals back to 2001.

There are certainly several Halls of Fame for the different shooting disciplines. What I maintain is the one that was started by Rifle Magazine back in 1972 and was designated by the Editors of Rifle to be the manner to recognize precision rifle shooting accomplishment at the national level. Since 1972 there have been 50 inductees that earned their way through shooting and 11 honorary members.

To bring some color to this, the names of the Honorary Members are quite notable:

Homer Culver
Harvey Donaldson
Skip Gordon
Clyde Hart
Robert W. Hart
Ross Sherman
Ray Speer
Merle H. (Mike ) Walker
L.E. (Sam) Wilson
Nate Boop
Lowell Hottenstein.

It is also interesting to take a look at the file and see that Tony Boyer has won an amazing 176 point life-to-date. Long-time shooter and supplier of many good things shooting-wise Lester Bruno is second with 49.

And also of note is that Wayne Campbell has just moved into third place with 6 points earned this year bring his total to 48. The unfortunate thing is that long-time shooter and icon in Benchrest Allie Euber, who just recently left the range, was previously in third with 47 points.
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