bench building 101

For the adhesive, I can recommend LocTite's 'PL Landscape' over the Liquid Nails 'Landscape' product. -Al
That is exactly what i was looking at, at the home depot. I guess i made a good choice as i went with the loc Tite product to. I glued the first course of block to the concrete floor and mortared the rest of the courses. Like i say, i will then fill the block with concrete. should be pretty darn strong. thanks Al, you put my mind at ease for a bit. Lee
i will use a form oil before i pour the concrete. After the concrete sets for a few days i will strip the osb from the bottom. it wont be bad at all. No more glue than they use in this cheap stuff if it doesnt drop down it will rip apart. I will also make 2 small cuts on each side of the block. the back half will fall straight down. the osb in front of the block may take a little work. either way it wont be bad! Lee

Why remove it at all? Just cut and trip the excess where you sit and leave it in place.
If you dont remove it it will eventually just fall anyway. It will be a complete job when all the wood is removed. All i need is some concrete. No concrete plants open today. Bummer!!! I havent been feeling well anyway, so ill just take a brake for the rest of the day. Lee
Going to range tomorrow to practice. That is if the latest fire doesn't get any close. I will write down measurements of benches. The rear blocks don't cause any issues. I sit to the side of the bench and put my knee against the block. Others shoot from behind the bench and don't have any issues either.
Great project Place some caulking compound in the form at the bottom and wall junctions and smooth with your finger, keep wiping your finger with a wet rag, and you will have a nice smooth rounded edge for the bottom instead of a sharp ragged edge to scratch your legs on. Don
Luck... LUCK??? friggin' LUCK and CONCRETE don't mix well hoss!! Yeahh I know, we all get a free save ever' twice't in a while but concrete is an unforgiving mistress. Only planning will save you once that mixer's turning :)


Your absolutely right Al. I think ill be ok though. 20+ years of experience should help a little. LOL!!! today is the day!! Lee
What a day. Benches are poured and they turned out real nice. As promised here are some pics for your enjoyment. Lee








the pics got bounced around a little, sorry about that. Anyway what i did was give the tops what i call a flat trowel drag finish. Not slick but not to rough either. Just enough grip so the bags dont move around. looks good, the pics really dont show to much detail. I will take a couple pis tomorrow when i go strip the forms.
Below are a couple pics of the new homestead, and a couple pics of some concrete i poured late last year. enjoy! Lee







As you will notice we still dont have a yard. This has been a super hot and dry summer. We are going to spray round up tomorrow evening and work the ground early next week and plant some seed. This has been a lot of work for us all but it is coming along quite nice.
Also some of you might have noticed that i didnt make the second bench ambie. I didnt because i didnt feel it would have been a very safe situation. In order to make that second bench right and left hand shootable i would had to center the bench in the window and the right hand position would have been way to crowded up against the wall, and visibility would have been poor. This way the shooter will have a good field of view and all will be safe and comfortable. Sorry lefties you will have to shoot outside when i get that bench made. Hope you have enjoyed this, i know i sure have. I feel ten feet tall!!! LOL!! Thanks Lee

The shoot room is in the back of the pole barn on the right in the last pic. Dad added on a 16' section the the barn you see there, in case anyone is wondering. The berm is straight behind that at 200 yards. You wont be able to see it though until next week when the corn gets shelled.
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Sorry I didn't get back to you Monday. When I left my range I got a call
asking me to bring my dozer to help fight a forest fire here. Anyway, my benches are 32.5 inches tall.
Your place looks great. Amazing how there is more then one person in the USA that can pour concrete.
33 3/4 is the best i can do here. I just got back from being out there,and i lowered the top as much as i could and still have everything right at the window. I think it will be just fine now. Lee

If it doesn't work out, you could build or pour a floor to get up to a comfortable height.
Here are a few more pics to share with you all. the forms came right off as expected. The tops look great as well. I am very pleased!!





I woke up at 4am this morning so i threw on my pants and headed to the farm. I could hardly stand it. I had to know how the forms were going to come off. I knocked out the T supports and the ply wood fell straight down. I had to rip the OSB around the blocks to remove it, but that was simple done by cutting the OSB with a saw saw and a quick whack of the hammer. After work i stopped by home and grabbed my longest rifle just so i could see how everything was going to fit. I would say everything is fitting just fine. Now the wait!! Actually i have some more trim work and electrical work to do, so that will pass the time until the corn gets shelled. I hope you have enjoyed all this as i really enjoy sharing this with you all! Thanks Lee
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You should be very proud of what you have accomplished. The workmanship is first class. Now if you can just leave it alone for a while.
Thanks Boyd and yes i am going to take a brake now for a bit so i can get to feeling a little better. I need some rest! Lee
Here is a video of the shoot room i recorded today. I thought i would share it with you, and i hope you enjoy it. This is a really neat time on my life to have something like this, and i am very grateful and full of pride. There is a big feeling of satisfaction building something with your own to hands. I think everything turned out really good. In the video you will notice that my block work doesn't look so good. I didnt clean the excess mortar from the block like i should have. This is also the first time i had ever laid any block so i am a little embarrassed as to the way it looks. LOL!! It looks much better in person. I hold nothing back though so here you go. I only hope you guys have enjoyed this as i really have enjoyed building it. Shooting is an escape for me, and it can take me from any foul mood i may in. I enjoy the kind of people that are associated with this sport and i think this is why i enjoy sharing so much about myself with you people. I hope your not tired of hearing about all this, as it is about complete. i will shoot one more video when the room is in use and then i will leave all of you alone, i promise!! LOL!!
I also posted this on accurate shooter for those folks to enjoy as well, so if i missed something here, im sure it will be covered there. enjoy and remember, I am just a simple country boy, and i dont speak so well on video. take it easy on me please. thanks a bunch fellas for allowing me to enjoy all this to the fullest. Lee

the video is in two parts as a call came in on my phone while shooting.

I echo Boyd's comment, you should be proud. Thank you for sharing.
