What a day. Benches are poured and they turned out real nice. As promised here are some pics for your enjoyment. Lee
the pics got bounced around a little, sorry about that. Anyway what i did was give the tops what i call a flat trowel drag finish. Not slick but not to rough either. Just enough grip so the bags dont move around. looks good, the pics really dont show to much detail. I will take a couple pis tomorrow when i go strip the forms.
Below are a couple pics of the new homestead, and a couple pics of some concrete i poured late last year. enjoy! Lee
As you will notice we still dont have a yard. This has been a super hot and dry summer. We are going to spray round up tomorrow evening and work the ground early next week and plant some seed. This has been a lot of work for us all but it is coming along quite nice.
Also some of you might have noticed that i didnt make the second bench ambie. I didnt because i didnt feel it would have been a very safe situation. In order to make that second bench right and left hand shootable i would had to center the bench in the window and the right hand position would have been way to crowded up against the wall, and visibility would have been poor. This way the shooter will have a good field of view and all will be safe and comfortable. Sorry lefties you will have to shoot outside when i get that bench made. Hope you have enjoyed this, i know i sure have. I feel ten feet tall!!! LOL!! Thanks Lee
The shoot room is in the back of the pole barn on the right in the last pic. Dad added on a 16' section the the barn you see there, in case anyone is wondering. The berm is straight behind that at 200 yards. You wont be able to see it though until next week when the corn gets shelled.