Belt Sanders - For Metal Work

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I have been thinking about buying a belt sander for geral use in my shop. I am looking for recommendations for a mid priced machine.


Pete Wass

You might check out the K M G on google . Some people make their own , there is a plan on ebay for a version of that grinder.

I am pretty sure Kalamzoo not sure if that is spelled right but they are made in the USA.

I have a Bader belt grinder that uses 2x72 belts and one I built using a Loveless design that was in Knives Illustrated years ago. I like the home made one better. 2x72 belts are readily available from knife making supplies in grits from 36 up to around 1000. The 2x72 grizzly looks like a good way to go for the money. I use a harbor freight 12" disk sander that cost about $95 or less. Not much machine but it's paid for itself many times over installing recoil pads.
Perhaps I should have said

I want to be able to use it for sharpening tools and finishing barrels, eh?

Be sure you check the belt width I have a 20mm wide but panel beaters use 10mm predominantly and thus suppliers generally carry the 10mm.I use it for shaping stocks also.Very handy jigger it is.Good luck. jim
Belt sander

I have a Ryobi table top combination verticle/horizontal belt sander with a disk sander too.

It was not real expensive and as Mike bryant said it has paid for itself many times.

Nat Lambeth

If you want to polish barrels Wurth make a spring loaded deal with polishing pads check their on line catalogue in the metal section.

The horizontal/vertical and disk sander machines are good all around shop tools and they work ok for sharpening, recoil pad installations, etc., but for barrel polishing and knife sharpeningI have found that a little "slack" in the belt is where barrels polish best. This won't work on the wide belt machines unless you can find a way to remove the platen from behind the belt. I use a 2x72 Wilton square wheel grinder and polish rounded surfaces in the area between the idler pulley and the wheel. This is a rather expensive machine, but I made knives for a number of years and it held up pretty well. Any belt sander with a fairly long unsupported section of belt that you can get the work properly positioned to should work better than any hard surface platen type. Some guys build little belt sanders that mount on the lathe carriage - you can run the slack part of the belt up and down the barrel using the lathe feed (need to protect the lathe ways big time...).

Thanks for all the help and info.

There have been a number of options presented here. Thanks to all for the ideas and help. Another thing I can see I will need is AIR. Is there a good, small compressor that I could use for these short bursts of work? I would eventually install a more perminent system if I could justify the instalation.
I got the $200 chineez one its ruff enuff

Jim do you guys, or any guys in Australia have a "buy it made here movement" going on? I can't preach buy USA made to an Australian, but It seems there has to be somebody in Australia making Air compressors. Does anyone down under feel the way some of us do in the USA that buying into your own economy can do no harm to your countries well being?

Another question. Leupold has a slogan "Made Right, Made Here". When they send a Pallet of Scopes overseas do they change the Advertising to "Made Right, Made There"? Just a thought.

I try my Best not to just go for the Chinese crap, but sometimes you just have to.

I don't know if you have already pulled the trigger on this purchase, howver I have a brand new Burr King Mdl 760 (?). I was apprehensive about the price at first, but after fifteeen minutes on it after setup, I have no issues. I have quite a collection of belts (even a leather belt) and with the variable speed, it is as useful as my lathe and mill.

What have you come across as far as barrel grinding jigs? Photos? Purchased? Where?
Some months ago, someone posted pictures here of the ends for a Jig they had made and I think for sale. I am thinking it was Nasikachad but could be wrong. Essentially the ends had Delrin centers as I recall. I suspect a question as to who made them might being them forward.