Allways on the lookout for a better product. just about every one Ive run into uses Marine Tex or a close variant of such for bedding an action. I ve also heard that some suspect there is shrinkage over time. In the Marine industry we use a product called Belzona. Pretty indestructable stuff. The machinist we use pretty much say its the best for building up eroded or deteriated metal in high stress applications (shafts and such) and the machining characteristics are desirable. In the applications we have used it it hasnt failed. So as I was talking to the local rep, i got to talking about its shrinkage characteristics, as in fractions of a thousands. He stated this product has NO shrinkage that could be measured. Anyone ever use this for a bedding job? Better yet, ant of you machinists work with it? in particular the the 1111 or 1311 products?