Bayou Airgun Club January 2019 Benchrest Match Results


New member
Jack Frost made a brief appearance at our first benchrest match for 2019. At sunrise it was 38 degrees, but it heated up to about 60 by the time we were done. It made us appreciate the temerity of our Northern brothers who shoot in low temperatures routinely. Our great nemesis, the wind, was present in abundance as usual, dancing in sporadic directions all day. The sky was crystal clear and it turned out to be a very pleasant day once it warmed up.

A big BAC welcome to first-time benchrest match shooters Greg Cobb and Charlie Frederick. We greatly appreciate your participation and all of the kind words about the good time you had. As new ambassadors of our club please help spread the word to grow our ranks. Michael Kleinpeter designed and built the new wire target stands we are using, and we thank him for the time and effort he has put into this project for the club.

Congratulations to Bobby McKee who shot the high score of the day with his new FX Royale, Wayne Smith who took 1st in PCP-HV, and everyone who braved the cold to come out and shoot. For only our second match, we are all discovering how benchrest is not only a very challenging discipline in it's own right, but how it will help refine our equipment choices and setup, teach us enhanced trigger control, and get us all better prepared for the Cajun Spring Classic and the AAFTA Field Target Nationals our club has been chosen to host in October.

Noticing it was a little less noisy than usual, I asked a few guys what was up. It seems they had exhausted their vocabulary of curse words for the wind, settled down, and quietly accepted the situation. Wayne Smith surprisingly positioned himself all the way down on lane #12, leaving Larry Hebert and Carey Hymel in the center lanes to carry out the cut-up duties which they performed admirably well. But when all three are together it can be chaos and mayhem, as well as ridiculously funny.

Many thanks to all who helped set up, take down, and stow away equipment. Your help is invaluable.

Please mark your calendars now for the next match which will be Saturday, February 2nd, 2019.

Thank You All,
Richard Harris
BAC Air Pistol and Rifle Benchrest Match Director
Baton Rouge, LA


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Fun Time

Sounds like you guys had some fun shooting together.

38 degrees = Jack Frost...? 9F this morning at my house.... You guys are blessed!

Well Chas I tried not to rub it in, but for us in South Louisiana 38F IS pretty cold. And I'm not going to give you the standard line about our cold feeling colder than most other places because of the greater humidity in the air that always makes things feel 10 degrees colder than it really is, with the opposite effect in summer. I lived in Pittsburg for a couple of years so I do know what real cold feels like.

About the lowest it ever gets here is upper 20's-low 30's. We see a very light snow about every 5-8 years for maybe a day or so before it melts. That's why we have a lot of respect for you guys who actually motivate yourselves to get out of a warm bed, probably with a wife in it, layer up, and go out to do something you don't have to in temps under 30F. You really have to be committed, or should be! :)
