BAT 3 lug vs BAT 2 Lug

Thanks Jackie. Ya, I never meant for this to be vs vs type question in the regards as who action is better. I guess i was more interested in why one might pick one type over the other. My shooting pard loves his BAT 3 Lug, as do i. That action is simply beautiful and accurate to boot. Or should i say his set up is very accurate. I was on a quest for the best possible 6ppc my budget would allow. There are a few of you fellas on here that i know i can trust, and i like reading what you fellas have to say about different subjects. I purchased my (hopefully) best possible 6ppc for my budget. I did a lot of research and decided that the BAT SV Dual port would be a safe bet for me. In my research i found that several top shooters shoot this action. The way i understand it, they choose this action because they can go with a little heavier barrel. Heavy meaning stiffer i think. I went with a BAT SV Dual port Krieger 13.5 barrel Mcmillan bruno edge. This should be a safe beat for me. I also understand that this "supposed" safe bet of mine isnt guaranteed to be a winning combination. I have a ton of learning to do, with technique and wind reading skills. I think i made the correct choice though. Time will tell. I do believe i have the desire to learn and listen and to practice what needs be practiced. I plan to wear several barrels out on this rifle i have chosen. I also chose this set up as it resembles my 30br set up, that i will use for score shooting this year. I really enjoy the game of score. My score gun is a HV but the stock will feel the same. I hope!
I used to love the winter time as it gave me time to heal up from the shotgunning season of the past summer. I used to shoot at least 500 rounds a week when i was competing. I did very well for my self with that faithful browning shotgun. I was on the Illinois all state team and had several wins under my belt. I like the feeling of being a top competitor. However this year is different for me. I cant hardly wait for winter to be done. I am ready to start shooting the ppc and learning and learning as i go. The desire is definitely there for me. I also understand i am no longer a top competitor and i will most likely be handed my butt for a while. But i know i can fight through that as well. Thanks for all the help you good people give me. It is definitely appreciated! Merry x-mas!! Gotta go. The prime rib momma is cooking is smelling awfully good!! Lee
When I started working with a rifle builder, he summed it all up by saying-
"Some actions shoot, some won't, some barrel's shoot, some won't."

That's a pretty good wake up call to those interested in serious BR.