scott mims
this isnt a review of how good Bart's bullets are that much we all know). i didnt win the Super Shoot or a local match (but many have). i didnt shoot a world record. what this post is about is Bart the person. i will not go into details but i got myself into a situation and emailed Bart to see what he thought. he didnt turn me away or feed me crap. he solved my problem. never hesitate to deal with him, he is very honest and just a all around great person. im proud to know Bart as a bullet maker but more as a friend. Love ya brother. i could go on and on but i will stop with that.
2nd. i see to many times on here people talking about each other or talking about our suppliers (actions, barrels, gunsmiths, bullet makers ect) we should all be thankful for them for if it wasnt for them we would be shooting factory products. yes these people want to make some money out of it but im sure majority of them has not become millionaires off of their products its for the love of the sport. we are a VERY SMALL group (and im scared we are getting smaller). we need to stick together and not try to do each other wrong. so instead of this being another COMPLAINT post i would like to think some people i have dealt with over the years (vendors and people that have put matches on for use). (not counting the number of GREAT FRIENDS i have made).
James Messer, Brady Knight, Mickey Coleman, Billy Stevens, Bart Sauter, Mark Roper, Jim Andress, Norman Jones, Matthew Keller, Steve Lee, Johnny Webb, the Kelbly's, Scott Dittman, Bill Dittman, Allan Hall, Sinclair, Bruno's, Charlie Hood, Terry Leonard, BAT Machine Co, PMA Tool, Rusty Carr and all the great people at MGGOA, all the score keeping and target crews at each matches. if i left anyone out please forgive me............. maybe this will be like nascar and i will start being sponsored by all of these people. my address is............
just kidding.
i would like to end with a big thanks to the person i might miss the most. Wilbur Harris. a great friend, i miss seeing him and wish he was still coming to some matches. again lets treat each other with respect and not do each other wrong. this is a great sport and i would love to see it grow. but if a new shooter comes along and sees and hears people treating each other bad we will not grow as a sport.
again sorry so long but i felt like i needed to say it (if it made any sense)
2nd. i see to many times on here people talking about each other or talking about our suppliers (actions, barrels, gunsmiths, bullet makers ect) we should all be thankful for them for if it wasnt for them we would be shooting factory products. yes these people want to make some money out of it but im sure majority of them has not become millionaires off of their products its for the love of the sport. we are a VERY SMALL group (and im scared we are getting smaller). we need to stick together and not try to do each other wrong. so instead of this being another COMPLAINT post i would like to think some people i have dealt with over the years (vendors and people that have put matches on for use). (not counting the number of GREAT FRIENDS i have made).
James Messer, Brady Knight, Mickey Coleman, Billy Stevens, Bart Sauter, Mark Roper, Jim Andress, Norman Jones, Matthew Keller, Steve Lee, Johnny Webb, the Kelbly's, Scott Dittman, Bill Dittman, Allan Hall, Sinclair, Bruno's, Charlie Hood, Terry Leonard, BAT Machine Co, PMA Tool, Rusty Carr and all the great people at MGGOA, all the score keeping and target crews at each matches. if i left anyone out please forgive me............. maybe this will be like nascar and i will start being sponsored by all of these people. my address is............
i would like to end with a big thanks to the person i might miss the most. Wilbur Harris. a great friend, i miss seeing him and wish he was still coming to some matches. again lets treat each other with respect and not do each other wrong. this is a great sport and i would love to see it grow. but if a new shooter comes along and sees and hears people treating each other bad we will not grow as a sport.
again sorry so long but i felt like i needed to say it (if it made any sense)
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