Bart's Bullets Iced In

Uncle Jerry can remember when the "Rainbow" was black and white, the moon was no bigger than a beachball, and there were only 12 stars. Sorry Jerry, for telling your age. You going to Manatee?
Uncle Jerry can remember when the "Rainbow" was black and white, the moon was no bigger than a beachball, and there were only 12 stars. Sorry Jerry, for telling your age. You going to Manatee?
Hey Tommy, me boy, its going to be as cold there as it is here. You going?

I do remember when the rainbow was black and white and had a lot of snow and professional wrestling!!

I'm no where near as old as Gammon though, EH!!
Manatee Maybe

I'd like to , Jerry, but would have to shoot "THE BOWLING BALL RIFLE", are permitting that these days?
I'd like to , Jerry, but would have to shoot "THE BOWLING BALL RIFLE", are permitting that these days?

Be my guest Tommy. It'll still shoot!

On Knoxville TV they were just talking about the 15F temperatures last night where Bart lives. I hope those folks were able to keep warm.
The survival expert that gets paid to write that probably lives in Florida

I sure have to agree with that, that's one of the stupidest tips I've heard and believe me, I've heard a lot. Outdoor Life ALONE has had enough dooozies to fill a small book! Any farm boy would know that if you DID do this you'd certainly not waste the water down a floor drain. DUHhhhhhh.

(BTW, what that retread MUST NOT KNOW is that if your home has Nat Gas or Propane hot water then it's a fair gamble that it's also got GAS HEAT! As a builder of homes I can't imagine it any other way??? Maybe TURNING THE HEAT ON should have been mentioned as a "survival tip" :rolleyes: )


Now let's just hope nobody gets hypothermic....... ANY survival manual will tell you that the absolute best cure for hypothermia is to get nekkid and crawl into a sleeping bag as many as can fit....

I sure have to agree with that, that's one of the stupidest tips I've heard and believe me, I've heard a lot. Outdoor Life ALONE has had enough dooozies to fill a small book! Any farm boy would know that if you DID do this you'd certainly not waste the water down a floor drain. DUHhhhhhh.

(BTW, what that retread MUST NOT KNOW is that if your home has Nat Gas or Propane hot water then it's a fair gamble that it's also got GAS HEAT! As a builder of homes I can't imagine it any other way??? Maybe TURNING THE HEAT ON should have been mentioned as a "survival tip" :rolleyes: )


Now let's just hope nobody gets hypothermic....... ANY survival manual will tell you that the absolute best cure for hypothermia is to get nekkid and crawl into a sleeping bag as many as can fit....


and the power to run the furnace blower?????

I would choose Cheney. Biden is too busy writing laws that restrict our gun rights to ever go hunting. The only time he mentions firearm ownership is for some photo opp. Biden has to be the most stupid person to ever hold the VP position....and that is saying a lot.

I guess Bay rack will have to hide "hoof-in-mouth" Biden. Most VP's have been used to go to foreign funerals, but Biden can't be trusted to do this chore. If there is a microphone around, he will surely say something stupid. Good shooting....James


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and the power to run the furnace blower?????

Good observation-you have to have power for the fan to work.

I was at St Louis at the Feb match 2 years ago and we had an ice storm here in Iowa. We had a little gas heater in the attached garage so it could heat things up without a fan good enuf for the grand kids to play out there at family gatherings. We kept the house warm enuf with that, no blower. I said something to my wife while i was at the match about catching water from the roof to flush the toilet, ect, and she said she would get water from the hot tub (355 Gal). We were without electricity for 5 or 6 days and i took a welder with a generator home one day from work and ran the freezer one day and that was it, no big deal. If you have some heat source, no adverse health problems, and the weather is not terrible, it ain 't no big deal. Coolers for the fridge stuff, frozen stuff in coolers will be ok for 4 or 5 days if you keep it closed. I offered other generators and welder units to employees at work and no one took me up on the offfer. I guess they were pretty well prepared, or took care of things themselves-good for them.

A little power outage was a minor inconvience compared to having 32 inches of water in my house in June of 08. I am still getting things straightened out from that. I finally shot this weekend at home, the first time since last May, yesterday. We will have everything pretty well done in a couple more weeks.

James Mock-You old dog-what do your really think--i like your style.

and the power to run the furnace blower?????

Nope, can't run the blower without some power source but you can still HEAT...... more than a garden hose. :) and most systems will even circulate some.. maybe not the older ones.


Nope, can't run the blower without some power source but you can still HEAT...... more than a garden hose. :) and most systems will even circulate some.. maybe not the older ones.

Our furnace did not do crap, the burner will not kick on unless there is electricity. We did not have any heat from or furnace other than the pilot light. I ain't really liking being an authority on all this natural disaster suff:eek:

Hey, did that brass i told u about a couple years ago from Heohn do u any good?

Our furnace did not do crap, the burner will not kick on unless there is electricity. We did not have any heat from or furnace other than the pilot light. I ain't really liking being an authority on all this natural disaster suff:eek:

Hey, did that brass i told u about a couple years ago from Heohn do u any good?


I stand corrected. :)

Was that the .308 URBR stuff? I can't remember....

Barts bullets iced in

I recall an ice storm here in WI. in the 70's, whereby an electrician I am familiar with who worked at a local factory in that capacity, somehow hooked up a battery, (probably with some type of converter), and was able to get his furnace to operate so as to put out heat.