Barrel question

A friend of mine had a barrel that was doing similar to what yours was. He sent it back to the manufacturer, they re-stress relieved it. When it came back it had quit 2 grouping and was a good barrel. I'd try sending it back to the manufacturer before I gave up on it. Most of them will treat you right.
Its shooten

well it was a long day at the range but i got the dang thing to shoot finaly, and to my surprize its shooting well.

All it took was some pistol powder,cream of wheat and alot of JB..
I shot 5 rounds with the cream of wheat and a paper towel to hold it in and cleaned with JB, i done this for 25 rounds cleaning between every 5 shots.
went back to the seating depth and charge that produced the best group before the cream of wheat and right off the bat it shot a 3 shot .183 group moved the bullet back 3 thou
shot a .132 3 shot group moved the bullet back 4 thou and the dam thing shot a .060 3 shot group. I feel better now :D:D:D

I would explain how and what this had done to the barrel but Kevin talks so fast im sure i missed half of it.

Thank you Mr.Hovis