Barrel Nut versus Shouldered Switch Barrel


What accuracy, if any, am I giving up with my Shilen DGV Barrel Nut and recoil lug setup versus a shouldered switch barrel setup like a Panda? Is the shouldered one more consistent when swapping barrels? I went with the DGV because I'm basically cheap - I didn't want to have to pay a gunsmith to fit a new barrel whenever I wanted to change it. I think the DGV is accurate "enough" for the score shooting that I do, but not nearly enough for any serious group competition; I've only been able to get into the high teens/low 2's once or twice at 100 yards in very mild conditions. I think my poor wind reading skills may have a lot to do with my poor groups, too.

What sort of bench, trigger weight, caliber, load development (at the range?), scope? stock? rest and bag setup? bullets? wind flags? Shooting style? Tell us more about what you have and are doing. Personally, if the barrel and chamber are right, and everything else is the same, I do not see a difference that I can attribute to just having or not having a nut. Shooting under a quarter inch consistently takes the right equipment, being in tune, and considerable practice...doing it right. Practice doing it wrong just makes you better at doing it wrong ;-)

It's a 6BR with Jewell trigger, Sightron 10-50 scope, McMillan Edge LV stock (pillared and bedded), daisy wheel flags, Farley CoAx II, Protektor rear bag. If I do my part, I can get sub .25 MOA consistently, sometimes even better. I'm just trying to understand what improvements I could see if I went to a shouldered setup. I have the go/no-go gages and take my time setting the rifle up, but there's always that little bit of doubt.

Thanks for the reply. I sorta agree with you that there shouldn't be much, if any, difference between the two if done properly. If I went with a shouldered setup I would be able to swap barrels without dismantling the rifle. That would allow me to glue the action into the stock and that might make a bit of difference, too.

Sounds like you have a good fix on things. What shooting style do you use? Also, have you checked your bedding with a dial indicator and mag base? What twist and bullet combo? Tight neck? Neck clearance, loaded round to chamber? Powder? Neck tension? Do you tune up and load at the range? Is your bench rock solid?
Wow, lotsa things to think - re-think about! I'm shooting Hottenstein 68 BT in a 14-twist, 4-groove barrel. Loaded round is .264 in a .266 neck. I shoot free recoil on a concrete bench. Neck tension is right at .001; I've tried .002 but saw no improvement. I'm using LT-32, CCI 450s, Lapua brass (blue box). I work up loads at the range with a Harrell's powder measure and a Wilson seating die; but I've found a good load, so usually load up a batch and go practice.

I have no idea how to measure the bedding! What would that tell me?

I just bought some new flags from David Halblom and they're a lot easier to read than my old, cheapo ones. Just have to spend the time behind the trigger!

Thanks for all the info and making me think about this stuff again.


When you get that wrench worked out, I'll be happy to be your first customer!!! I agree that the DGV is a nice piece of work; it shoots way better than I'm probably able to take advantage of, but I'm trying (VERY, according to my wife!). :rolleyes:

Thanks for the feedback!

While the 450 is the primer of choice for the 6BR burning Varget for fast twists and long bullets, if you look at the short range game, slower twists, faster powders, and shorter bullets (and the PPC), it is virtually never seen, with something cooler like 205M or CCI4s being the order of the day. Also, LT 32 is fast enough that I doubt that I doubt that your BR cases are very full, and there may be something to wanting a relatively full case. For a slow twist BR a friend has a very good load with the 205s and a light load of 133 and 68 grain bullets.

I'm using the 450s because they're what I've got. I haven't tried any BR4 or 205m but will likely do so next week. The LT-32 load is 28.4 grains and comes to just below where the shoulder starts, but I don't know the percent of fill; I prefer lighter loads to keep from getting hammered. I'm going to chrono everything next week as well, so I'll have a better idea of what's what. I've also had good luck with 8208-XBR and may try some of that again. I just like the way that LT-32 meters in the Harrell's!

Good news, the latest, made in Canada Accurate 2015 is exactly the same size as the LT 32, and is made in the same factory. It is a little slower than 133 and should fill up your case more for the same pressure/velocity. I have shot it in a 6PPC and about all that I can reasonably get in a case gave me around 3,350ish, but since yours is a bigger case, you should be in great shape. I found it to be accurate in a 6PPC.
Thanks, Boyd. I'll keep my eyes open for some. I've read somewhere that mixing the two is also possible, but that's not somewhere I want to go at this point.

For the BR I see no reason to do so. I think that 2015 is likely a better match to that case as far as fill, than LT.
One plus with the shouldered barrel minus the nut is that you can switch barrels without taking the action out of the stock. With a proper gunsmith taking the measurements for the first fit up, you needn't have it fitted again. He, or she, can send you a new barrel based on the measurements with no problems.
U U,

That's what I've since learned; that a good gunsmith only needs the action once. That's why I'm thinking of going with a shouldered Panda or Bat. Just haven't quite given up on the nut, yet. If I keep it tight, and get the loose nut behind the trigger squared away, I may be okay!!:rolleyes:


Regarding what powder to use in 6BR / slow twist barrel / 65 - 70 grain bullets.
I have been shooting the 6BR for over 30 years.
In my opinion is VV 135 by far the best powder for the 6BR.
Second place goes to Norma 202.
Third place H 4895
By the way, anyone out there experimented with VV in the 6PPC?
I have and got very interesting results!!

Best whishes,

Magnus Sigurdsson