Barrel Clearance


Steve B
I am finishing up my first "real" Benchrest rifle in .30BR and need to know what is the minimum amount of clearance in the barrel channel I need to insure that the stock wont touch during firing. I am thinking of at least .040, but wanted to see what the experienced shooters and gunsmiths on the forum had to say about it. Any help is appreciated.
More clearance may allow for quicker cooling if that is a concern but if the action is in the stock tight, the barrel will not flex 40 thou on firing...
Thanks for the info. I have been thinking about gluing the action into the stock to keep from stressing it and since I have already been using this stock, just rebarreling the action, I have noticed a spot in the barrel channel that looks like it has touched the old barrel and wondered whether or not the stock was flexing. Maybe the action is flexing. Its a Savage SA that was in .308.
I would think that due to the butt pad being lower than the center of the barrel, that on recoil the rifle would tend to lift... the stock may flex some, but wouldn't it be away from the barrel?

If you think your stock touches the barrel... give it more clearance...
Vaughn (Rifle Accuracy Facts) wrote that upon firing, because a rifle rotates about its center of mass, the barrels initial movement (relative to the rifle), is downward. He demonstrated this with the use of instrumentation. Varmint Al's computer simulations show that the stock flexes to a considerable degree as well. Traditional barrel gap dimensions may be inadequate, depending on the stiffness of the forend, and where on it the rifle is supported. What looks the best may not shoot the best.
How much movement did Vaughn record?... surely not 40 thou...?
Give it plenty of room.

How about 1/8 of an inch, maybe 3/16? There's nothing to be gained by having a close fit of barrel to stock on a target rifle.
Lots is just right

Most Benchrest Stocks are inletted for the heaviest taper allowed for Varmint Rifles, (then plus some), so when you use a LV or Sporter Profile, there is tons of clearance.
I would darned sure give it more than .040. Heck, my Spoters have about 1/8 to the side.....jackie

For the replies. I guess I will give it alot of room. I was being kind of cautious about opening it up very much, but if thats what it needs, it will get it.:D