Barrel/Brass problem?



I have a problem, can you help me?
with new barrels, after fireforming/break in I have to push down the shoulder of the brass about .008 inc. to close the the bolt in a correct way.
I am using to chambering (Bartlein GT) the Tony Boyer 3 (PTG) and to make the die the resizer Tony Boyer 3 (PTG) and the GO and NOGO is ok.
I did not understand why I have to push down the shoulder too much and the result is a disaster (no ignition and all flyer)
Thank you in advance for your help
I don't quite understand why you "have to" push the shoulder back .008.

Now here is another problem you might have that has nothing to do with the shoulder. Unless they have changed it, the Boyer 3, when used properly, produces a pretty tight chamber in the web area. Shooters used to have trouble with 220 Russian even going in, and they would always get that annoying "click" at the top of the bolt stroke. What might be happenning is you are having to push the case into the die so it hits the web area enough, this resulting in your shoulders being too far back.

I talked to Dave Kiff a few years back about this, (he said many shooters were having problems), and the culprit was that some shooters, by the way they chambered, would actually cause the reamer to cut a little over, and everything would be fine. But, when a shooter who knew how to chamber to where the chamber was the exact size of the reamer, the results were a chamber that would be too tight at the web. I though they cured this, at least Dave told me he was advising shooters of the problem.

I know this because I had a Boyer 3 at one time, and it produced a chamber where a 220 Russian was too tight at the web. I like mine .4402 .200 up from the bolt face. I think the Boyer 3 is .339-something.

This is a good reason why you should never use the "feel" method to ascertain exactly how much shoulder bump you are actually inducing upon the case.

Do you notice a bright shiny ring just forward of the extractor groove.?.......jackie
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I have three of those reamers and struggled with dies for a while. Jackies right, they are small in the web. A redding sb may or may not be small enough in the web but will definitely oversize on the shoulder dia. If you have a "small" redding, someone that knows what to do can polish it out. Campbell did mine and I'm sure others could do it also. Otherwise start new. I got one from Carstenson that is excellent.

Good luck. Those reamers are frustrating till you u get everything working correctly.
Does anybody know why they make it that small?? Dave Kiff gave me his theory, which I agreed with. People trying to fix a problem with the wrong solution.

In my opinion, .4402 .200 up from the bolt face is perfect........jackie
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My reamer is .4395 at the web, and I've had no trouble with it. Could be that is because I have a FL die that matches (the chambers are not wallowed out!).

If you don't want to spring for a custom die, you can use a small base die that doesn't touch the shoulder or neck. Cut it off if you have to. Downside is you have to run the cases into two dies, the small base, then the neck/bump. Sort of like the Harrell Vari-base, except it's two dies.

I'll allow you all have convinced me, though. if I get another PPC reamer, it will be like Jackie's.
The Harrell #3 die usually fixes this problem, but, the best solution is a custom f/l die. Either the Harrels, Jim Carstenson or any of the other custom die makers can fix your problem if you will just send them a few fired cases.

You are having to set the shoulder back now 0.008" to get down to the smaller part of the sizing die which means the chamber and the die do not match. This will greatly shorten your case life and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

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