I was able to find there web-site Vince. But no information about this stock. Would you know of another resource for information?
I also want to thank everyone for there input. I believe I have a basic understanding of this now, but it is that basic. I would like to give this a try and maybe as I gather information the correct path will become a little more clear.
I do have another question however. I would want this to be a switch barreled rifle or at the minimum have to ability to change barrels quickly, or maybe easily would be more correct wording. Will I have to have a different Block for each barrel? I do not believe I would go with the Glue in system for this reason.
Roland - if you PM me on vinceb@targetshooteronline.com I can send you an article with pics that I did on the stock for Target Shooter magazine. I have two complete barrelled-actions for my stock - swapping over takes only minutes.