Bank of America


New member
McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group
International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12
years. Today Mr. Ray Fox, Senior Vice President, Marlet Manager, Business
Banking, Global Commercial Banking came to my office. He scheduled the
meeting as an "account analysis" meeting in order to evaluate the two lines
of credit we have with them.... He spent 5 minutes talking about how
McMillan has changed in the last 5 years and have become more of a firearms
manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.
At this point I interrupted him and asked "Can I possibly save you some time
so that you don't waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that
because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer want my
"That is correct" he says.
I replied "That is okay, we will move our accounts as soon as possible. We
can find a 2nd Amendment friendly bank that will be glad to have our
business. You won't mind if I tell the NRA, SCI and everyone one I know that
BofA is not firearms industry friendly?"
"You have to do what you must" he said.
"So you are telling me this is a politically motivated decision, is that
Mr Fox confirmed that it was. At which point I told him that the meeting was
over and there was nothing left for him to say.
I think it is import for all Americans who believe in and support our 2nd
amendment right to keep and bear arms should know when a business does not
support these rights. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. When I
don't agree with a business' political position I cannot in good conscience
support them. We will soon no longer be accepting Bank of America credit
cards as payment for our products.
Kelly D. McMillan
Director of Operations
McMillan Group International, LLC
1638 W Knudsen Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 85027
McMillan Integrity-Global Vision
been there done that...
worse was my family has been with bank of america almost since day one..back three presents used to be stock in bofa....
similar to att ....
no longer do business with for or near those two...
mike in co
Wow! Thanks for letting us know.

I hate supporting business that don't support our rights to keep and bear arms.

And to think we bailed the bastards out to the tune of $25 B. With bail-outs come "more political influence."
i WAS a longtime bank america customer and used their credit card A LOT! cancelled all associations with them a few years ago. i had bad feelings then and it seems i was right. it amazes me how many really stupid people think they have great insight in business matters. what further amazes me is that these idiots can never understand the counterproductive outcome of their decisions...they just stare into space and their face says...wwwwwhhhhhaaaaatttt???
When they started giving credit cards, credit and accounts to people who are in the US illegally I knew they were on the down hill slide.
Thanks for sharing.
I have no accounts with them. If I did they would be gone.
They screwed me over in 1987. I was done with them.
Exactly why they don't want anything to do with a gun manufacturing business. It offends Glorious Leader.
I can fully understand your decision. it is reprehensible for any organization to target American businessmen like this.

I would appreciate it if you would rethink the decision to not accept BOFA credit cards for payment. I believe this is punishing your customers for the choices they make. Sometimes people must choose the lesser of two evils to facilitate a sense of continuity in their life. While I would urge everyone to consider the implications of dealing with a company that is so blatantly anti-second amendment, their are times when such choices must be made.
( I would appreciate it if you would rethink the decision to not accept BOFA credit cards for payment. I believe this is punishing your customers for the choices they make.)

I Totally disagree with you Amashoota it is not an inconvenience not to support there war against us and just importantly our friends at McMilian as there are other easily obtainable means to purchase what one wants and you in affect are you supporting BofA's stance based on a personnel inconvenience and monetary gain for them same as sleeping with the enemy in my book and shame on you.

( I would appreciate it if you would rethink the decision to not accept BOFA credit cards for payment. I believe this is punishing your customers for the choices they make.)

I Totally disagree with you Amashoota it is not an inconvenience not to support there war against us and just importantly our friends at McMilian as there are other easily obtainable means to purchase what one wants and you in affect are you supporting BofA's stance based on a personnel inconvenience and monetary gain for them same as sleeping with the enemy in my book and shame on you.


well, i won't get personal here. I bank with BOFA and have no intention of stopping right now, regardless of how they treat McMillan or anyone else for that matter. I have bigger fish to fry than protesting a bank because of its political stance.

if you don't like it, it's your problem, not mine.
I'm a 35 year BOA customer (or its predecessors). Next week I will go into my local branch and cancel all of my accounts and make very sure that they know why.
Dear MR. Kelly McMillian,

Would you happen to have the complete name and address of Dirt Bag Ray Fox, so that I can mail him my cut up credit card, with a letter to close my account explaining the reasons why and maybe you have his boss's name and number as well.

I have a very high credit limit on this card with a zero balance and have no intensions of ever using it or them ever again. My boss is a very avid hunter and once I show him this I am sure he will close all of his accounts by the end of next week as well.

Maybe I should use the credit card I have before I close my account and have a Huge Billboard stating this matter on the New Your State Thruway at the entrance to the Catskill Mountains ( AAHH, I HAVE THE PERFECT SPOT RIGHT NEXT TO MY HARLEY DAVIDSONS DEALER SIGN) now speaking of that I would bet my Harley dealer would put on his sigh the Irish guy standing next to the Harley on the sign holding a brand new McMillian Rifle in his hands.

What till Ted Nugent and Micheal Weidel gets wind of this.

I think we need to send Dirt Bag Fox a Red Rider and maybe he could go back to his childhood and realize he has missed out on the true American Way.

Russell Rains
Thanks for the info. I found out about 2 weeks ago that BOA took over the credit card I had with my local bank. My wife & I will change our credit card comp. because of their anti-gun stance. There are plenty of others to choose from that are not anti gun.
I agree with your policy to stop accepting BOA credit cards.
I sent this thread around to almost everyone I know & want to see how many will take a stand against BOA & inconvenience themselves a bit & change credit cards. This is one small step the gun community can take & possibly have an effect on our threatened gun rights.
I will stop at my bank & tell them why I'm leaving & hope it gets back to BOA.
If every firearm owner / manufacturing company etc. that banks with BofA were made aware of this both nation and world wide and took a positive stance to protect their ownership and manufacturing rights it would be a well deserved and monetarily devastating experience for BofA. Mr. Ray Fox was probably just following orders from higher up on the food chain and if not his resignation would also be in order.

This whole ordeal is really up setting to me and I can only imagine how up setting it was to McMilian.

Doubt that McMilan is too distraught .Probably had a new account set up before closing time . By the way, doesn't our illustrious leader run all his campaign funds thru BoA ? Thought I read that somewhere a while back. That would help tie all this up and put a bow on it .
I would hope that others that visit other forums such as 6br and the like would copy and past the post and even a link to this in hopes that it will spread.
Maybe someone knows someone on the outdoor sports channels.....etc etc