Bandsaw selection



Now that I have lathe and mill, figured it was time for bandsaw to cut stock.
Please take a look at the Enco, Grizzley and Jet saw below and give me your preferences, experiences or alternate suggestions.

Thank you,
Roger Q.
If all you want to do is cut off barrels and stuff like that get you one of the $125 motorized hacksaws. I started with one and got the idea that a bigger one would served as a cutoff saw and an upright band saw. Won't work. I spent $750 for a larger one and it won't cut off barrels any better than the cheapie and the blades (Starrett) cost over $30 each.

(Gulp!) I guess the $125 bandsaw of 15 years ago is now the $311 bandsaw of today. That does include shipping, though.
That's the one I'd get.
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Rather than tie up bandwidth give me a call after 7 central time. My primary buisness is saw blades. So you can pick my brain on the subject, no sales pitch I1I414I232I9050 don't sell machines, but have to know them and material being cut. Chris
Buy a Cheap one or a used one. Until you want to buy a real good one it is hard to see the differance between them. I used a Ellis saw and it works good but for very nice cuts a cold saw like my Doringer saw cant be beat. Just look at cost and availablety of parts for what ever saw you pick. Jet I think makes more on the repair parts then they do on the saw:)
Cheap bandsaws

The problem with the made in china stuff is the the blades will not track and keep comming off the machine.
Butch, 100% of my sawing would be done on a Rollin if I had one. Lucky you! Best saw "in the whole world ever". I thought I had one bought at an auction once, but when I went to settle up it wasn't on my ticket. I think the fix was in somewhere.
much depends on how much you plan on using it. I bought a J&L 7X12" that was in a sale flyer. I think the price was around $400. It's made in Taiwan. There are many sold similar but with different names. Here's a pic of a similar one. I use mine quite a bit and it cuts very square and hasn't let me down yet. I would have never been happy with a smaller Chinese one cutting crooked and breaking down.
I have a Grizzly G1010 that I bought new about 10 years ago. It is a 4x6, and looks a lot like the junkers that the traveling tool shows sell, but.............I have had zero problems with it; it tracks well and cuts straight. It is reasonably solid and the motor is quiet, stays cool, and has good power. The blade guides (bearings) are wearing great and stay in adjustment. As much as I hate to say so, the original blade that came on it lasted about ten times as long as the Starrets I've been using on it since.

It is a cool little saw...especially considering the price.
