Ballistic Software



Are there any Ballistic Software Programs you can down load ? And who do you thank has the best? I herd Quick Loads was good? Thanks for the help.
i have been using quickload for about a dozen years.
i like it.
if your shooting results vary from thier predictions, you can play with data to adjust the perfomace to match what you got and then use the adjustment in the future.

you can add bullets.
you can add in specific to a rifle

the only issue is you lose all this when you get a software update...unless they fixed that.

not cheap but very good

mike in co
I have used quite a few ballistic programs and Coldbore 1.0 is the best and most accurate that I have used. It is more involved than most programs, But the returns are worth the effort. Boe
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Thanks All
Are there anyBallisticc Programs I can download ?
Thanks Max