Austin Rifle Club Nov Benchrest match cancelled!!


New member
Because of the 2-4 inch rain forecast for today and 70% chance of rain tomorrow, the November bench rest match scheduled for the 29th, is cancelled. The chance of flooding is likely and no one would like to be at the match with about ten minutes to pack up and get out before the creek is above the gate. So...hopefully the Dec 27th match will be clear and sunny.

Just one of the problems running a year round match.

Hope to see ya all then,

Virgil Howarth
Match Director
Because of the 2-4 inch rain forecast for today and 70% chance of rain tomorrow, the November bench rest match scheduled for the 29th, is cancelled. The chance of flooding is likely and no one would like to be at the match with about ten minutes to pack up and get out before the creek is above the gate. So...hopefully the Dec 27th match will be clear and sunny.

Just one of the problems running a year round match.

Hope to see ya all then,

Virgil Howarth
Match Director

Thanks for posting, Virg. I was going to ask, as Marilyn and I were planning on coming over. Weather is bad everywhere. See you next time.