Austin Rifle Club - Match Results - Oct. 27, 2024

ARC - 100 yd Match for Score
23 Shooters - 19 VFS, 4 Hunter Rifles

Nice shooting day, upper 80's, sunny sky, light SE breeze. Winter start time of Noon, of course everyone was here by 10am....well ,almost everyone. Good scores today, seven clean scores posted out of 19 VFS rifles. Winner of the first place ribbon was Big Steve Brown with a high score of 250-23X !! He had it dialed in today. 2nd place was Larry Kochanowicz at 250-20X. And dragging in at 3rd was Steve Krause with 250-17X. We welcome 2 new shooters to the Score Match... Eddie Dunsirn and Michael Hunt, both shooting 6mm.
Mike Wall won the Hunter class with a 249-11X. (We lumped in 2 Factory rifles with the 2 Hunter Rifles) 2nd Hunter was Tommy Maedgen with a 246-11X and 3rd was Jon Aronson at 231-3X, with NO crossfires today.
Next month we will shoot on Nov 24, starting at NOON. This is our Hunter Rifle match this year. Bring yo Hunter gun, if you got one, and see if you can take home the prize. We'll still have a VFS class , too.
Good crowd today ! We would have set a record if our other 5 regulars would have shown up. See ya'll next time!!
Steve Krause, Benchrest Match Director

We shoot the last Sunday of EVERY month......for at least the last 40 years. So come on out and join us !!


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