Austin Rifle Club - Match Results Jan 29, 2023 - Charles Moore Wins Tiebreaker

ARC - 100 yd Match for Score
20 Shooters....14 VFS, 3 Hunter Rifle, 3 Factory

Cloudy and muddy with some heavy sprinkles of rain off and on prior to the mild Norther that blew in during the last match. And with fairly mild conditions, an unusual 70, we had good scores turned in. There was a 3 way tie for 1st Place in the VFS classs between Charles Moore, Larry Neal and Steve Brown. The tiebreaker was Charles' outstanding 1st target of 50-5X put him in the top spot with Larry #2 and Steve Brown 3rd. Good back and forth match among those clean shooters and Phylis shot great but lost that squeaker on the last match. Beat a bunch of us.
Mike Wall gets 1st in the hunter rifles at 245-9X. John Gallaher shot a 244-6X for 2nd and Tommy Maedgen gets 3rd at 240-05X.

We gave out our awards for High Score in each class for 2022. The VFS High Score of 250-20X was tied by Don Mulhall and Bill Sparks. Hunter Rifle High Score was 249-14X by Tommy Maedgen. Factory Class High Score was a 248-5X shot by Hal Bogatz, this being the first Factory award we have given in years. Good to see interest in this area.

In the Pic - from left - Don Mulhall, Tommy Maedgen , Bill Sparks

Next Match is Feb 26 starts at noon.
Steve Krause - Benchrest Match Director


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ARC - 100 yd Match for Score
20 Shooters....14 VFS, 3 Hunter Rifle, 3 Factory

Cloudy and muddy with some heavy sprinkles of rain off and on prior to the mild Norther that blew in during the last match. And with fairly mild conditions, an unusual 70, we had good scores turned in. There was a 3 way tie for 1st Place in the VFS classs between Charles Moore, Larry Neal and Steve Brown. The tiebreaker was Charles' outstanding 1st target of 50-5X put him in the top spot with Larry #2 and Steve Brown 3rd. Good back and forth match among those clean shooters and Phylis shot great but lost that squeaker on the last match. Beat a bunch of us.
Mike Wall gets 1st in the hunter rifles at 245-9X. John Gallaher shot a 244-6X for 2nd and Tommy Maedgen gets 3rd at 240-05X.

We gave out our awards for High Score in each class for 2022. The VFS High Score of 250-20X was tied by Don Mulhall and Bill Sparks. Hunter Rifle High Score was 249-14X by Tommy Maedgen. Factory Class High Score was a 248-5X shot by Hal Bogatz, this being the first Factory award we have given in years. Good to see interest in this area.

In the Pic - from left - Don Mulhall, Tommy Maedgen , Bill Sparks

Next Match is Feb 26 starts at noon.
Steve Krause - Benchrest Match Director

Great to see such a turnout in that weather.