Austin Rifle Club - Christmas Match Results - Dec 29, 2024 -Big Crowd

ARC 100 yd Score Match
29 Shooters - 23 VFS (+2 Hunters) , 4 Factory/Mod

Yes, 29 shooters showed up (again) for a Spring like Dec day for our End-o-year Christmas match. High 70's, sunny and fairly light variable breeze. Decent conditions verified by 10 of 25 custom guns were clean. Also verified by a 3-way tie for first place at 250-22X. And glad to see Craig Lehmann take the tiebreaker first place for his first win. Tie-breaker went to Match #3. 2nd place was Marlon Goates and 3rd goes to Larry Kochanowicz, leaving us with "Wow, 22X and it gets 3rd?" Great competition today.
We had 2 Hunter rifles that shot with the VFS....we need 3 guns for a class.
Factory class was won by Jon Aronson with 240-6X with a 6.5 CM and 2nd was Paul Shanklin, 6BR at 235-2X.
Seems our attendance is picking up nicely.....mostly attribute it to more advertising , if you will, on Facebook, social media and word of mouth. Shout out to Caleb Collins, drove down from Oklahoma for the match. Heard about it on the interweb ! Also welcome new shooter Sal Bonilla. Hell, we had to dig out a PA system so I didn't have to shout out the commands, but that needs some refining. It was a long line of shooting benches.....and happy to accommodate them all.
ARC's next Match for Score is Sunday Jan 26, 2025, starts at noon. We will honor 2024's top scores with the coveted Trophy Cups.

We welcome all competitive shooters to come shoot with us. ARC Matches are ALWAYS the Last Sunday of the month, every month.
Good shooting, good match today.
Steve Krause, Benchrest Match Director


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Congratulations on the attendance. Regarding the attendance:
1. On what "social media" do you advertise?​
2. What's the significance of the $ after the names?​
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Sorry for delayed response....was out exercising my 2nd A Right.
Yes, Mr Stanley is right on. Gotta put that paid notation down lest I forget and a quarrel starts.
Facebook seems to be getting a lot of interest. As stated, got responses thru chats, groups etc from all around central Texas. I know there are other chat rooms, forums online but those have been initiated/maintained by our BR club members. I have to give credit to them cause they are more active on social media than me and a lot more web savvy. What you're reading here is about all I can do....but I'm real good with snail mail.

Recently, some good, no, better than good shooters from Houston/Tomball area have attended also which has added to the firing line. And THAT makes for great competition. You know when you play golf, tennis with someone better than you , your game picks up.
There may be some timing involved here also with attendance. ARC is one of the only monthly BR matches in the central Tx area, maybe the whole state. I'm curious if there are any.
We have a 40 bench line for the 100 yd format. I never imagined we might be closing in on a full house but there were at least 6 of our club regulars that were busy this match with holidays , etc. That's my biggest nightmare....TWO RELAYS !! Yikes !!
I thought that might represtent
Yes, Mr Stanley is right on. Gotta put that paid notation down lest I forget and a quarrel starts.
I thought that might represent participation in a betting pool. Is there a payout to the top shooters?
Yes, payout to top 3 in each class. Another factor that attracts shooters.
We got a Best Target Kitty also. Which is totally diff from the agg tie breaker (Creedmoor). If there is a Best Target tie for a match target (matches 1-5) then we use wipeouts as tie breaker. NBRSA rules don't recognize a winner for matches 1-5 (unless you count the agg tiebreaker process as being a winner) nor do they recognize wipeouts for anything.
Yes, payout to top 3 in each class. ...
We got a Best Target Kitty also. Which is totally diff from the agg tie breaker (Creedmoor). If there is a Best Target tie for a match target (matches 1-5) then we use wipeouts as tie breaker.
1. How is the top 3 payout calculated?
2. How does the Best Target Kitty affect the top 3 payout?
3. Is the BTK paid only one time per agg?
4. How many wipeouts won the BTK in the results shown above?
5. How much was the BTK payout in that match?
6. How is the BTK payout calculated?

Thanks for your patience with my curiosity. :)
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1. Registration is $15. optional BTK is $1 per target. Optional but everyone plays. Per each class of shooters I payout approx 40-50% of that class' registration to top 3: 1st, 2nd, 3rd scores of agg. 30,20,10 ; 15,10,5 etc
2. Top 3 payout is for agg score/winners. BTK , Best Target Kitty, has nothing to do with agg
3. BTK is only for each of the 5 matches. BTK has nothing to do with agg
4. Wipeouts only used as tie breaker for BTK cause targets are identical. On one match, there were four 50-5X scores...identical. Compare Bull #1 of all four targets and use the 'miss and out'. There was one wipeout on Bull #1 of the four. He wins, others missed. Doesn't matter if there are more wipeouts after a winner is identified. *see below On another match, a tie of two scores of 50-3X. These 2 scores may or may not be identical. Still score them 'miss and out'. If not identical, first X starting with Bull #1, wins. If identical, look for first wipeout (of the X's) and he (or she) wins BTK.
Understand, BTK is for each Match (1-5) only. Nothing to do with agg (Match 6) winner.
5. We had 23 shooters in VFS class. 2 Hunters, no class, so added them to VFS for a total of 25 in the VFS BTK payout was $25 for VFS class for each of the 5 Matches. (Craig won first 3 matches BTK and pocketed $75). 4 Factory shooters had a $4 BTK payout for each Match.
6. See #5 above.

*This is our club's tiebreaker method for BTK. Discussions have been presented that say Most X's should be winner of the BTK and not the first X as described in 4) above. Decision was made to recognize first wipeout in a similar manner as the agg tie breaker reverts to higher Match #1 score.

Some of this got lengthy but details matter when prizes concerned.
Gotta go....Texas regular whitetail season ends Sunday and I'm on my way. See ya'll after that.