Austin Rifle Club August Results


New member
1st Steve Young 250/20X 30BR
2nd Ed Bernhabeo 250/19X 30BR
3rd Jackie Schmidt 250/17X 30BR

1st Curt Gallaher 245/5X 30BR
2nd Virgil Howarth 244/5X 30hbr
3rd Joe Hutchens 240/4X 30BR

1st Jon Aronson 234/4X 22/250
2nd John Thorpe 231/5X 308

Well the temp was warm and surprise...surprise, there was no vectoring tail wind. It was a trigger pulling day that proved vexing to some. I was lulled into complacency thinking there was no condition. Look to my score to see the result. Just because the flags hardly move does NOT mean there is nothing out there.

Well...the Houston crowd showed up with Jackie Schmidt, Ed Bernabeo, Renard Alexander, Dale Metzler, and Joe Baudreaux attending. Great shooters all...and fun competitors as well. But, in the end, the steady machine like performance of Steve Young proved too much for the rest of us and he again took first place. Great performance. Oh, and note the 22/250 score of the factory Savage rifle that Jon shot. Super out of the box performance.

Hope to see you all next month...

Virgil Howarth
Match Director
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Thanks for having us over, Virg.

I played "dance around the dot" all day, I have never been so close, so close, yet so far away.:D

Congrats to Steve. He showed us the way back to Houston.