Attention...... The final JuneTomball Gun Club VFS Club Match Is Now A "Money Shoot".

jackie schmidt

New member
Attention...... The final June Tombal Gun Club VFS Club Match Is Now A "Money Shoot".

I have talked to Match Director Dave Dillon and he has cleared with the Club Board that the final 100 yard Club Match will now be a Money Match. We have secured $1000 minimum as the payout for the top five places, plus a special prize to be announced for the high X count.

The bulk of the prize money is coming from R.C. Schmidt & Sons Machine Shop Inc.

The Match is June 2.

As of now, the prize money will be

First place.........$400

Entry is still $15. Gates open at 6:00, warm up Match at 8:30. Any legal firearm as long as it is not a "return to Battery" such as a Rail Gun.

Bring your "A Game".
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I have secured several donations to add to the pot.

Bruno Shooter Supply is furnishing a new 1-18 30 caliber Krieger HV taper at cost.

John Jones is donating a new13.5 twist Bartlien LV taper barrel.

ZombieKiller is donating 50 30BR cases.

If anybody else wishes to make a donation towards this match, let me know.
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The award schedule implies that there will be one class?

Never mind. Went to the Tomball web site and see that there is just the benchrest class. :eek:
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Richard Pullum just called me and his business, Northside Auto Glass, is donating $50 toward the Match. Thanks from the Tomball Gun Club.
Just a bump.

The purse is now up to $1200 plus some nice prizes. So dig out those good bullets you’ve been saving, screw on that good barrel, and come have a good time.

I will have the gates open at 6:00 AM. We will draw for benches at 7:00 for all of those who show up that early.

We will have a warmup match which will star at 8:30.
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