ASRPA Starts ARA Benchrest at Ben Avery



The Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association (ASRPA) Smallbore Division will be holding monthly rimfire benchrest matches at Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix using the ARA rules and format.

The match fees will be $20 for ASRPA members and $25 for non-members. Please consider joining the ASRPA, it is a great organization that heavily promotes and sponsors shooting events in Arizona.

Please see the attached schedule for dates, times, etc.


  • ASRPA Smallbore Benchrest at Ben Avery.pdf
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7:00 AM start time

Come July, or August, by 11:00 am you will be glad there was a 7:00 am start time. :)
It's what we live with, if we want to compete.

Just a reminder that the inaugural Rimfire Benchrest match is scheduled for Saturday April 13 at Ben Avery.
Competition starts at 12:00 noon with setup prior to that.
Come shoot ARA at BASF

Just a reminder that the inaugural Rimfire Benchrest match is scheduled for Saturday April 13 at Ben Avery.
Competition starts at 12:00 noon with setup prior to that.

Just a reminder to pay attention to Gene's reminder and come shoot with us this Saturday the 13th.

If you don't know where the range is, just plug this -> 33.804173, -112.144113 <- , into your 'Maps' program.