aspirin shoot


Active member
we have a new shoot in our area, an I think I like to play. This shoot is an aspirin shoot, an 95% of the shooters shoot factory rifles that fall under two different classes. 7.5# an under, and then 7.5# and heavier.
I have been looking at some Anschutz rifles, but I know very little about them. I like the 64S BR gun, but it has a magazine. I don't really understand that. there isn't any rules against the magazine, but I would rather have a single shot I think.
These rifles can be shot from a bench or the ground. Basically however you want. I will shoot from a bench, with a rest. Maybe prone, but I would still use my rest.
I really don't think there will be any full custom rigs, but I wont know until I see the first match. Im going to make a phone call here after bit to verify the rules, but from what I remember factory rifles are the norm.
So please educate me on the Anschutz rifles. Any suggestions as to what rifle I would use for a shoot such as this. Whats the difference in a 64 compare to a 54 action? Are the barrels all about the same anyway? I know very little about these rifles.
Is there another brand of rifle other than Anschutz, I could be looking at? 1000$ is my budget range.
50 yards is the range we shoot.
thanks Lee
we have a new shoot in our area, an I think I like to play. This shoot is an aspirin shoot, an 95% of the shooters shoot factory rifles that fall under two different classes. 7.5# an under, and then 7.5# and heavier.
I have been looking at some Anschutz rifles, but I know very little about them. I like the 64S BR gun, but it has a magazine. I don't really understand that. there isn't any rules against the magazine, but I would rather have a single shot I think.
These rifles can be shot from a bench or the ground. Basically however you want. I will shoot from a bench, with a rest. Maybe prone, but I would still use my rest.
I really don't think there will be any full custom rigs, but I wont know until I see the first match. Im going to make a phone call here after bit to verify the rules, but from what I remember factory rifles are the norm.
So please educate me on the Anschutz rifles. Any suggestions as to what rifle I would use for a shoot such as this. Whats the difference in a 64 compare to a 54 action? Are the barrels all about the same anyway? I know very little about these rifles.
Is there another brand of rifle other than Anschutz, I could be looking at? 1000$ is my budget range.
50 yards is the range we shoot.
thanks Lee

The 54 is better in every way, better action, better ignition, better trigger. You should be able to score a decent 54 single shot. Earlier is better, large bolt handle 60's era that's been cared for can be found with a little effort.
Other brands

Include but not limited to, Remington 40X, 540X, 540XR. Winchester 52 B,C or D. ( my personal favorite ). BSA Martini MK I,II,III, IV or V. Valmet Finnish Lion, Walther and even the Russian CM2, its the bargin of the bunch and has an excellent trigger. These rifles are all in or under your price range. All these rifles are very capable of producing excellent accuracy. Put some good ammo in any of these, learn to shoot it and the results will speak for themselves. I shoot almost all I have mentioned above and have had good success with all of them and I just shoot off bipods. Hope you find a good one and good luck.

Include but not limited to, Remington 40X, 540X, 540XR. Winchester 52 B,C or D. ( my personal favorite ). BSA Martini MK I,II,III, IV or V. Valmet Finnish Lion, Walther and even the Russian CM2, its the bargin of the bunch and has an excellent trigger. These rifles are all in or under your price range. All these rifles are very capable of producing excellent accuracy. Put some good ammo in any of these, learn to shoot it and the results will speak for themselves. I shoot almost all I have mentioned above and have had good success with all of them and I just shoot off bipods. Hope you find a good one and good luck.


The rifles that George listed are all the "Cream of the Crop", I have shot or owned (still own) most of the. They are capable of killing asprin at 50yds. I currently still have a 540XR and a mod 52 that are both very good factory rifles. The Remington shoots slightly better but the difference is mostly in the better scope that it got. I would love to know where I can find a nice clean Russian CM2. I really want to get my hands on one of those.

I have been looking for one of the Russian guns myself. no luck as of yet. maybe ill try and find a nice 40x 22lr. I guess I figured the Anschutz would have a better barrel? lee
The Remington 540's are a real good choice and can be found on Gun Broker from time to time also check RimFire Central.

IMHO have seen a BUNCH of these rifles that would give the 40X's a good race .

Good Luck

I shot a few of them in IR50/50 indoor this winter. I mostly used two Winchester 52Ds in the unlimited one posted scores from 248-12 to 248-18 X. The other one, 248-22X to 250-18X. In the 10.5 lb, I used a Remington 540XR and a 540X both shot 248s with Xs in the low teens. The13.5 class I used a Remington 40X standard barrel. Best I did with it was a 248-12 to 248-17. Not every match was that good, had one weekend everything went hay-wire posting scores in the low 240s, but that was a off couple of days. I shoot without tuners, use factory barrels and triggers and shoot off bipods. Granted none of thoses scores will win anything in IR50/50, but for OEM rifles that cost less than a 1/3 of what a well built custom cost, I think I got my money's worth.

I have shot a couple of the CM2s, very good shooters with a trigger that can run with the best. There are some very accurate rifles to be had under the 1000 dollar mark, get one with peep sights and practice with them, they will teach you how to shoot that particular rifle.

Good luck,
If you boys think 50 is tough, try 100. We've been doing that for years.
bunch of us retireres shoot for nickles and dimes. You only get one poke at it, then it's the guy next to you, and so on. Our "leader" would paste 100 of them 3" apart each week. If you didn't get the whole pill, you would not get paid. it was pure fun. Every Sunday morning except Easter and Xmas.
I used a 40x with a 36 Weaver, 2 oz. trigger, eley red box. We were in a closed area shooting out of windows. Flags were a must.
Asprin Shooting

Hi all from down under.

I like the sound of an Aspirin shoot so how do you people organise one?

Like how do you stick the Aspirins to the target, how many and how do you score hits.

Show your rules please.

I am looking for a few events to test the locals at my Oz club for a fun event so this seems to be a possible option.

* doghunter *
Hi all from down under.

I like the sound of an Aspirin shoot so how do you people organise one?

Like how do you stick the Aspirins to the target, how many and how do you score hits.

Show your rules please.

I am looking for a few events to test the locals at my Oz club for a fun event so this seems to be a possible option. No question on hits because a white splatter on black background is pretty easy.

* doghunter *

We used to do some and the best way I've seen is to put several on a piece of black consruction paper. Glue them on with UV glue or clear silicone.
No question about hits, a white splatter on black is pretty easy.
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