As of today Canada is being led by a DICK TAY TORE....New firearms BAN

Since the indigenous peoples favorite firearm is the mini 14, how is your
dictator plan on handling that?
Sad day for freedom loving people!

WOW I am not

maybe we should just keep the border closed till you fix your problem.

one of conflict but not sure what the boarder closure has to do with a firearms ban....

I will leave it at that. It was just meant to be informative for those Americans who may be interested in what is going on in the gun world with the neighbor to the north.
......... The plus for me is thankfully I have never owned or ever wanted to own any on the list. Regardless it HURTS.


So sad to see that pop up on my newsfeed today. I was setting out on a jobsite waiting on concrete.

One thing I've taken to do differently down here, I started with Carter, then the hillbillary's and Whu'BAma is...... I started BUYING these "guns I didn't want" and 25-50rd magazines to go with them...... just and only because of the laws..... I can't imagine why I'd want to pull a trigger on a Ruger Ranch Rifle, but I got one :)

And dozens of AR's.... just to spite the bastards.

Every time I see that snarky little child-tyrant open his mouth I want to stick a sock in it eh... he's right up there with Jacinda and Wretchin' Gretchen and Uncle Pervy Biden but what REALLY saddens me is that I have very close friends, even a sister, who just hang on every word he says. They think he's cool.... My silly liddle sis actually LOOKS UP TO the wee freak! She so proud and happy he's broken from daddy's mould! (yeahhhh, Poppa P's a conservative to lil' sis)

'Course the same sister refers to Biden as "Smokin' Joe" ...... and were she over the pond would have been out in the streets when Maggie died dancing "Bang Bang The Witch Is Dead"

Good luck up there, hard to stay polite when you're being treated like a criminal
Ya Al, but bottom line...

they are much safer today than they were before the ban....after all the Prime Minister said so!!! What are they going to do when someone takes Grandpa's double barrel and buckshot on a rampage?

So sad to see that pop up on my newsfeed today. I was setting out on a jobsite waiting on concrete.

One thing I've taken to do differently down here, I started with Carter, then the hillbillary's and Whu'BAma is...... I started BUYING these "guns I didn't want" and 25-50rd magazines to go with them...... just and only because of the laws..... I can't imagine why I'd want to pull a trigger on a Ruger Ranch Rifle, but I got one :)

And dozens of AR's.... just to spite the bastards.

Every time I see that snarky little child-tyrant open his mouth I want to stick a sock in it eh... he's right up there with Jacinda and Wretchin' Gretchen and Uncle Pervy Biden but what REALLY saddens me is that I have very close friends, even a sister, who just hang on every word he says. They think he's cool.... My silly liddle sis actually LOOKS UP TO the wee freak! She so proud and happy he's broken from daddy's mould! (yeahhhh, Poppa P's a conservative to lil' sis)

'Course the same sister refers to Biden as "Smokin' Joe" ...... and were she over the pond would have been out in the streets when Maggie died dancing "Bang Bang The Witch Is Dead"

Good luck up there, hard to stay polite when you're being treated like a criminal
First Nations are exempt, of course...

How much longer until the west pulls away from Quebec ?

For now, Indigenous People are exempted from this Gun grab.

Canada is a good example why Parliamentary forms of Government can turn repressive. The law of the land is what any majority in Parliament can agree on at the time. This makes them subject to the whims of the moment, since they have no pesky Constitution, with a Bill of Rights, to hamper them.

The only thing that stands between us and government repression is our Constitution, in particular, our Bill of Rights.

Guard it, as if it was a sacred document.
What say

we write the NRA and have them lobby Trump to grant immigration to any Canadian gun owner who wants to get the ell out of ell? We can use the help down here of like thinking folk. Of course, the must pony up life membership in the NRA!! What say you guys up there, eh?
we write the NRA and have them lobby Trump to grant immigration to any Canadian gun owner who wants to get the ell out of ell? We can use the help down here of like thinking folk. Of course, the must pony up life membership in the NRA!! What say you guys up there, eh?

I've got tonnes of rellies up there, lots of them true duallies...... some who've been there since the 60's and a bunch moving or have already moved back home.

You think this little blip is a significant impetus to migrate southward ...... you think "granting" immigration is a thing..... or ponying up for NRA dues....... you wait until you're trying to get your money and goods (and guns) out of Canada!

I know people who've had a sale, come south for a trip and just never gone back north.....
Unfortunately this happens when you get a head of state whose total experience prior to the job was "snowboard instructor".
My condolences to the law-abiding people of Canada

Those who think it doesn't matter because they don't like ARs, AKs or Mini14s (who likes Mini14s?) are completely missing the boat. Not only are the aforementioned arms just as interesting, challenging, and engaging as your BR gun, they are no less reviled by the antis. Rest assured your "precision sniper weapon" is next.

How much longer until the west pulls away from Quebec ?

Funny thing is..... unlike the US where secession is an unthinkable act, Canada actually has a precedent!

How many folks from the lower 48 can name all the provinces? How many non-Canadians here even know the name of the province abbreviated NU????

As Gene noted it is only the beginning and not the end. The people should not give in and revolt against this order. Those that are legally owned should remain as such those folks haven't done a damn thing wrong. It's there freedom that was just instantly destroyed and if they don't stand up to keep it they will only loose more. Here comes Nancy, Chuck and the Fake News they are now going to demand the same. If you recall they tried pulling this same crap in California several years back. There are more competitive service rifle events than one might tend think Camp Perry being the biggest one of them all and the longest running.
Hard to say how his will play out.

I know the petitions are floating around and a lot of criticism of Justin and this announcement. I am not the most educated when it comes to the so called assault rifles.

I did get a bit of an education yesterday from one of the employees of the local gun store. It helped and cleared things up for me.

One of the things that was mentioned during the press conference was military grade assault rifles " there is no place for them in Canada". Those rifles or anything that is used by a military has been prohibited in Canada for years.

One thing during my conversation with the store employee was that to his knowledge there are maybe a dozen or so new rifles added to the list. They even mention the ban of rifles that produce over 10000 joules of energy....This encompasses many big bore hunting rifles. I wonder where they get there information from to base this decision on? 50 cal rifles. How many people have been killed by one in Canada or the US when these nutjobs have gone on a killing spree? What about the big bore hunting rifles? They are either bolt action, singles or double rifles. Have yet to hear of one being used. The RPA Quadlock is on the ban list. Really???? A single shot target rifle....

It is bad enough when I make a rash decision but when the leaders of the country do to this level....??

I am waiting to see how quickly we can get this man out of power.
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I know the petitions are floating around and a lot of criticism of Justin and this announcement. I am not the most educated when it comes to the so called assault rifles not I did get a bit of an education yesterday from one of the employees of the local gun store. It helped and cleared things up for me. One of the things that was mentioned was military grade assault rifles ' there is no place for them in Canada" well those rifles or anything that is used by a military has been prohibited in Canada for years. The information he mentioned was that there are maybe a dozen or so new rifles added to the list. They even mention the ban of rifles that produce over 10000 joules of energy....

I am waiting to see how quickly we can get this man out of power.

It still goes back to what I stated earlier.

Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Regardless of the whims of the current crop of politicians, any laws passed must pass the muster of Constitutionality. And, unlike many other Countries that have “Constitutions”, the US Constitution was made deliberately difficult to change, or amend. It is not subject to the petty whims of the moment, or the Demagogue.

Many in the US would love to see our Constitution done away with, and the Country adopt a Parliamentary form of Government.

But I go by the old saying that says......”the United States has the worst Government ever conceived, except for all of the rest”.
There was mention

Of moving to the US. Honestly at times I feel I am more American inside than Canadian.

There are things that Americans show and do that we as Canadians take for granted sometimes. To me that is loyalty to there country. I will tell you a story.

2 years ago my GF and myself made the trip to Sturgis for the 1st time on our bikes. Amber has a gorgeous 2004 Low Rider and I ride the Yamaha Stryker. We were there for the days leading into the actual Sturgis week. Being our 1st time we were advised basically everything is there to see allready unless you want to attend the events at the main stage and games.

Anyways, we woke up I believe it was the Friday before the start. There were more tenters around us. Everyone was milling around there sites doing there morning routines. One fellow at one of the sites a few down was a bit louder and jovial. He spoke loudly and mentioned that if anyone wanted a coffee to come on over. He had his small Keurig with him and the fixins if needed. Not sure how he packed all his gear onto his Harley. Needless to say the 2 large American flags hanging off of the back of his bike.

A short time later he spoke up louder and said if he could have a moment and pledge allegiance to his country and flag. He proceeded to play the US National anthem, followed by the last post. Honestly, I was touched and it brought a tear to my eye. When it was all over he apologized to everyone in the area. I responded by saying no need to. I enjoyed every minute of it. Then he slowly made his way over to us and told us a bit about him and his story. About Vietnam and his buddies that never made it back and how he travels to schools and gives talks. Amber then mentioned that she had family that was in WW 2, you know as Archie Bunker would say....." the big one". He then said I have something for you. He walked his site and came back with a pin for her. Danged if I can remember what the pin said. Regardless it was 20 minutes that I will remember.

This is one example but I see it all of the time. Yes everyone may not be as patriotic but I see more than not.

In the US there are things I believe in that we do not have here as well as those that we may have and you not.

Just a little side story.
Good one!

for sure.

Of moving to the US. Honestly at times I feel I am more American inside than Canadian.

There are things that Americans show and do that we as Canadians take for granted sometimes. To me that is loyalty to there country. I will tell you a story.

2 years ago my GF and myself made the trip to Sturgis for the 1st time on our bikes. Amber has a gorgeous 2004 Low Rider and I ride the Yamaha Stryker. We were there for the days leading into the actual Sturgis week. Being our 1st time we were advised basically everything is there to see allready unless you want to attend the events at the main stage and games.

Anyways, we woke up I believe it was the Friday before the start. There were more tenters around us. Everyone was milling around there sites doing there morning routines. One fellow at one of the sites a few down was a bit louder and jovial. He spoke loudly and mentioned that if anyone wanted a coffee to come on over. He had his small Keurig with him and the fixins if needed. Not sure how he packed all his gear onto his Harley. Needless to say the 2 large American flags hanging off of the back of his bike.

A short time later he spoke up louder and said if he could have a moment and pledge allegiance to his country and flag. He proceeded to play the US National anthem, followed by the last post. Honestly, I was touched and it brought a tear to my eye. When it was all over he apologized to everyone in the area. I responded by saying no need to. I enjoyed every minute of it. Then he slowly made his way over to us and told us a bit about him and his story. About Vietnam and his buddies that never made it back and how he travels to schools and gives talks. Amber then mentioned that she had family that was in WW 2, you know as Archie Bunker would say....." the big one". He then said I have something for you. He walked his site and came back with a pin for her. Danged if I can remember what the pin said. Regardless it was 20 minutes that I will remember.

This is one example but I see it all of the time. Yes everyone may not be as patriotic but I see more than not.

In the US there are things I believe in that we do not have here as well as those that we may have and you not.

Just a little side story.