Arkansas results



Light 100 Joe Hargadine .2180
Dusty Stevens .2372
Dick Pierce .2504
Light 200 Joe Hargadine .2302
Dusty Stevens .2384
Eddie Harris .2644
Grand Joe Hargadine .2241
Dusty Stevens .2378
Eddie Harris .2739
Heavy 100 Dusty Stevens .2198
Travis Cannon .2498
Sam Eifling .2516
Heavy 200 Eddie Harris .1945
Dusty Stevens .2186
Richard Watson .2640
Grand Dusty Stevens .2192
Ray Porter .2667
Jim Fowler .2788
Two Gun Dusty Stevens .2285
Joe Hargadine .2537
Ray Porter .2786
We had perfect weather for August. Low's of 60 and high's of 80.
John's wife had super lunches both days. I would like to thank John Henry
for all his work, and the target crew. They did a good job all weekend.
Thanks to everyone who attended. Dusty shot very well all weekend and
it shows from all the trophies he won.
Doc Sorge
man I had a wonderful time. great bunch of friends and the match was run like clockwork. thanks to everybody and congrats to all the shooters.
the razorback turkey shoot. we had 27 shooters if i remember right.

Joe Hargadine won the first turkey at 100 yd and Eddie Harris won the 200yd turkey.

Barts bullets helped us out a lot. i am sure glad for that.

Homer Strickland and Richard Watson allowed us to give prizes to all the winners and have a drawing for the rest of us.

dusty=too bad you cant eat wood.. congrats

do you shoot p. dogs with dallas hardaway? have you been to "pheasant ridge" in hooker---when we went he said some guys from mena had been there earlier. I'm trying to get a serious shoot together and I know someone up there likes to go. mp
You guys have not discovered what Jay Lynn, Glenn Chism, and I have found. A beautiful range in the valley of the mountains, pine and hardwoods, and very honest conditions. John Henry's wife fixed us chicken fried pork chops, beans, and a vegetable casserole for lunch with home made cheesecake with either strawberries or cherries. Sunday we had beef shish kabob, oriental eggroll, mixed fried rice, noodles with stir fried vegetables and we had rubarb and cherry pie. It was 53deg. Sunday morning and got up to a sizzling 83. No need to rotate benches as there is no honey hole. The young guns showed us how to shoot. Old man Ray Porter held our end up. Dusty, Joe, and Jim Folsom were hot.
You guys really need to go next year as it is just a nice place to go and incredibly nice folks both running it and shooting there.
Will"Red" Henderson helped me tremendously putting out my flags and generally doing what he could for me. He even customized one of my Aussie flags with 4 bullet holes. Said it made it a little more responsive and made it quit lying.

Congratulations on your win!!! Great shooting on your part. Hope to see you again at Rachael's Glen in October.


Congratulations Dusty...

Uncle Billy will be proud, as I am, especially your keeping the trophy here in Arkieville for a change. Eddie and Joe were starting to get on my nerves! They didn't go easy though, and took enough wood to float all those rivers on their way home!

Congrats to all the good shooting...Dusty had his work cut out for him!

I really liked the teen agg from Eddie in the HV 200. Just awesome.

Wish I could have been there.

Scott Holden

There are a lot of guys in Mena that shoot p. dogs. I'm not sure who you
are talking about.
Glenn thanks for posting the pictures. I had a fun weekend. Hope you guys
will be back next year. I will put an order in for the same weather we had.
Doc Sorge
thanks for the pics. i tried to hold glenn still and get his picture but he ran off and refused. glenn is the best photogragher we have had.

yes butch the young will win in the end, in one way or another. but we should try to put it off as long as possible.

dustys dad is takeing a "shot " at my dog to get him to play dead.

thanks for shooting with us. i will try to return to texas next yr. to see you.
ray porter

probably next year--i dont wanna miss out on elk either, and were having our first bear season this year, and i need to get even with the bear that destroyed my aunts garden and tried to rip the door off of my cabin ---i will be in touch. thanks mp

thanks for the reply, I didnt know you mountain folk liked killin field rats so much.--I wil try to get to meet you all at the next match, I am going to contact hargadine and try to come with him, or tag along---do any of you guys shoot long range? thanks mp
go to the midwest benchrest site for directions and dates. it is about 35 miles up into mo. from ark. elk season may get in the road here too.