Are you objective about car wheels???

Hey D,

The great thing about America is that YOU get to decide which wheels you put on YOUR car! It doesn't have to go through a committee (yet) for consensus, even in Crazyfornia. Is this a great country or what?! Nice looking retro ride either way.

Hey D,

The great thing about America is that YOU get to decide which wheels you put on YOUR car! It doesn't have to go through a committee (yet) for consensus, even in Crazyfornia. Is this a great country or what?! Nice looking retro ride either way.


Yeahh, I'll agree on that ;)

and for all of my "Ford Bashing" I've got to say, these little pocket rockets are the most power/dollar in recent history. I've got a bunch of friends who are into quarter miling and about 8 of them have these cars for both racing and street use. The first time one of them was telling me about his "10-second car" (which he'd just driven into the church parking lot) I scoffed in his face...... boy was I wrong!!! They do FLY with just a few dollars in tweaks.

Now do they corner??? NO

Do they stop well?? NO

Are they comfy??? Kinda'.....

Can you hear the subtle arpeggios of Rick Wright's keys in "Piper At The Gates Of Dawn" over the road noise???? NO!! But Syd's acid trip still comes through :D

I'm still 100% a Corvette guy personally but FOR THE MONEY I've got to hand it to Ford, "retro muscle" describes them well. :) They even sound/feel like a 60's ride.....

