ARA target dimensions

ARA targets

If you'd like, I can have our attorney send you the same letter he has sent to at least one other commercial printer who was printing our targets without permission. It is very straightforward and to the point, stating our rights as the holder of a copyright, and the possible penalties for continued unauthorized copyright infringement.

To take the attitude that the depiction of the target that is part of our site is there for downloading and printing is an incorrect assumption. Instead, it is there for informational purposes and nothing more. It helps those individuals who have just discovered ARA and are curious about how the target is configured.

If you insist on printing our copyrighted ARA targets to try to save a few cents per target, think carefully about whether or not those few cents will be worth it in the long run. Your choice.

You go right ahead and do that, as no copyright infringement is taking place. If I were printing up a bunch and selling them, sure, you'd be in the right. But as I'm just copying/printing them for myself, there's not jack squat you can do, because nothing wrong is taking place. Ever been in a library? Ever seen the photo copiers in there? Ever wonder how they can have photo copiers in a place with all those books? Just imagine all the copyright infringement that's taking place! Oh, that's right. None is.
ARA target

Do you shoot ARA or just want to have a target? If you want one that badly, I'll have Polly send you one. Then, you'll have at least one official target. Contact her at her listed email address.

Do you have a name other than Shorty? You have a number of posts, but I don't believe I know you. So many people on this Forum seem to hide behind the anonymity of a pseudonym and feel free to say things here that would never be said if their name were associated with it.

I'm pretty sure I can beat 20 cents a target just by going to the office store and having card stock copies made,.

Wow, over a 100 targets you would save $4 but then you have to go to the trouble. I think you call that opportunity cost lost. It's kinda like driving around town looking for the cheapest gas and just being ecstatic to find it $.01 cheaper than average to save that $.20 per tank.

Just buy the sample pack. A couple will do you a long time. They're sent to your door and they are regulation targets.
I'm up in Canada, so no, I don't shoot ARA. But I have an interest in trying out the target, and may end up shooting it often, just for myself. I love how so many people on this forum say "what's your real name, why are you hiding?" Quite funny/strange. What difference does it possibly make if you know my name is Clayton Macleod or _Shorty? I don't care one way or the other, but my habit is to use _Shorty, since I've been using it for everything on the internet since about '93, and habits die hard. Knowing my name doesn't change anything, and I'll say anything that I feel like saying, regardless of whether it's on some 'anonymous' internet forum, or in person. If I'm going to say it, I'll say it. I'm not hiding from anything. The fact that someone uses a nickname on the internet doesn't mean someone's hiding from you, heh. What a strange idea.
Do you shoot ARA or just want to have a target? If you want one that badly, I'll have Polly send you one. Then, you'll have at least one official target. Contact her at her listed email address.

Do you have a name other than Shorty? You have a number of posts, but I don't believe I know you. So many people on this Forum seem to hide behind the anonymity of a pseudonym and feel free to say things here that would never be said if their name were associated with it.

ARA target

You win, since that appears to be important to you. You're just bound to have the last word, no matter how late it gets. I'm tired. I've worked and driven a lot this week, and plan to fly my Super Cub early tomorrow morning.

There were some clubs in Canada a few years back, but they had difficulty in keeping up with the A/Line since they were pretty isolated in the Northwest and had difficulty in getting across the borders with their firearms to shoot in other nearby US clubs. Start an ARA Club where you live.

You sound like a hardheaded Scotsman, like me. Goodnight and goodbye.

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$4 is $4. You got money to burn, good for you. I try to save a bit here and there on every single thing I buy or service I pay for. It all adds up. Giving me more to play with at the end of the day, which'll probably end up being ammo bills, heh. As for gas, it's the same everywhere in town, here. I just go to the same station every time. I know what you're saying there, but it's not exactly the same scenario. Regardless of the relatively small amount in savings, there is a big factor in convenience. I can get any number I want whenever I want, within minutes. The same can't be said of ordering them from ARA directly. It'll take time for them to get here, so unless I've kept enough of an eye on my stock to make sure I don't run out, it can be a pain.
Wow, over a 100 targets you would save $4 but then you have to go to the trouble. I think you call that opportunity cost lost. It's kinda like driving around town looking for the cheapest gas and just being ecstatic to find it $.01 cheaper than average to save that $.20 per tank.

Just buy the sample pack. A couple will do you a long time. They're sent to your door and they are regulation targets.
Why not buy a $14 software program and some card stock and make your own. Cheaper and more convenient. I have the program; I buy the sample packs. Overall the opportunity cost is greater than the benefit of making my own, but you have to assess your own situation.
There are some organized events of various types at various ranges within about 2 hours driving distance in various directions. But participation numbers aren't huge in any of them, save for the shotgunners. For whatever reason they seem to be the most popular shoots. I don't think starting up an ARA club would make it. I'd be there, but attracting shooters to the existing shoots is apparently tough enough. The game I enjoy most currently is smallbore metallic silhouette. There are actually three shoots a month, one each at three different ranges. Mostly the same shooters at each one, and they're all a fair distance from each other. We have anywhere from 12 to 20 shooters at each one, give or take. With a few more in the warmer months. The regulars that have been doing it for years all say that the numbers haven't really grown in years, and I don't imagine starting something new like an ARA shoot would be easy, or even succeed and be sustained. Perhaps there are others, but I only know of one local benchrest match. And that's just a for-fun thing, more than anything, at 100 yards. The size of the targets, adjusted for distance, don't compare to USBR/ARA/50-50 size targets at all, and I can do ok in it with my lowly CZ. And most of the shooters there are old-timers, die-hards that'll likely keep coming back until they're gone. I think the only people under 50 might be me (36), Jordan (16?), and Dave (~30). The other ~10-12 regulars are gettin' up there. Most of them seem to chalk it up to the rather large anti-gun political crap up here. Most everyone I've brought out shooting has enjoyed it, but then you get the procrastination on getting licensed and buying a rifle, etc. I think it'd be pretty fun to get something like an ARA shoot/club going, but I just don't see it happening. Not as much interest in shooting in general as there seems to be in the States, which is too bad.
Start an ARA Club where you live.