ARA Results - target 1

Hate to hear

anyone pulling out before it's over, but it looks like they may have there hands full back home. Hope it makes a big turn to the West. Setting here in Fairhope, Al and we're still preping just in case it decides to make a detour our way. Polly thanks for all the fast updates! Now get some much deserved rest.:p
Thanks so much for posting the results of todays match. It means a lot for those of us who couldn't attend to see how our friends are doing. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks again, as Steve said get some rest for tomorrow!
Thanks Polly

Appreciate the update.....I have seen first hand how busy you stay during this event and the fact that you are able to get all of the fine pictures of the competetors and other great pictures.

Wow the placements or competetors so far is pretty amazing. But don't write anyone is another day, some may bomb and some may fire up. Can't wait to see the results.

Sorry to hear about our friends in the south coast having to pull our early.....we're thinking of you. Hopefully the hurricane will pass with very little damage....but it doesn't look good.

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Charlie, I'm not sure Scotty was as concerned about the storm as he was about the harassment he was going to get for the butt woopin he was getting after the wolfing he has done over the last few weeks..8>)

Thank you again Polly,i'll be good today because i can't have you taking Mike's cell phone away from him! I have to have UPDATES! Sorry to hear Scotty and crew had to bail and glad to hear "Slim" seems to be ok. Anyway............have a great time everyone and Great job on the 1st day results Polly!.
Special Thanks

To the EMT people that helped Slim. It takes a special kind of perpson to take the time and be involved in anothers well being. Sorry we couldn't be there as Dorothy's health was our main concern this year. Best to all the rest of the way.
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Target 5 and 6 Updates

Sorry for the delay in getting the results posted. The server had to be rebooted, plus I've been helping David with his windflags and target and stuff. He's a stubborn poop!

Target 5 Top Five
2350 - Tony Blosser
2350 - Joe Besche
2350 - DJ Hepler
2325 - Marvin Batliner
2310 - Bob Barnhart

Top Five Overall:
Rodney Allen
Darrel Barnes
Bob Barnhart
Mike Sherrill
Bill Hinegardner

Target 6 Top Five:
2450 - Wayne Knutsen
2450 - Danny Hoover
2400 - James Pappas
2400 - Danny Killough
2350 - Mark L. Smith

Target 6 Top Five Overall:
Bob Barnhart
Darrel Barnes
Rodney Allen
Mike Sherrill
Dustin Allen

Chris Wells is still the top Junior in 19th, but Noah Johns is moving up fast - 27th.
Target 7 Update

Target 7 Top Five:
2350 - Rick Taylor
2350 - Wayne Knutsen
2350 - Wallace Smallwood
2300 - Tom Rippee
2300 - Bruce Doster

Top Five Overall:
Bob Barnhart
Darrel Barnes
Mike Sherrill
Joe Besche
Richard Gorham

Chris Wells holds the Junior lead at 23rd.

Sorry, but the next update will have to wait until after everything is finished up, the awards handed out, and the Project Rifle given away.

Thanks for the update! It sounds exciting and man.......Chris is really doing well!!! I really do appreciate your taking the time to post and i know how busy you are.{Mike has said lots of good things about you..} Anyway....hope to meet everyone sometime and hope you are all having a great time.
Target 8 and Final Results

Okay, it's finally over!

Target 8 Top Five:

2450 - Harry Deneen
2450 - Gene Corvin
2350 - Wendell Dean
2325 - Robert Meade
2325 - DJ Hepler

Final Results:

Congratulations to Bob Barnhart for winning the 2008 ARA National Championship. The attached file shows all the final results.

Congratulations also to Roscoe Moody for winning a Pappas one-piece rest, donated by James Pappas.

Congratulations to Mike Sherrill, who is taking home the 2008 ARA Project Rifle built by Brian Voelker.


  • Finals.xls
    67 KB · Views: 369
Junior Standings

We had eight Juniors, here is how they finished:

1-Chris Wells
2-Noah Johns
3-Tanner Hollen
4-Olivia Howard
5-Reagan Hammonds
6-Allison Behler
7-Nicholas Moore
8-Trysten Teer

Each Junior received a plaque, with the top three also recieving a coin. ARA and Danny Keeney also presented each Junior with a Wind Flag.
Don, i had to leave, was worried about my home and family, what ever the rest of your post said earlier , dont have the slightest clue what the hell you talking about....what harrassment ????

Polly, I just wanted to give you my personal thanks, you were great. With all the work you had to do, you still found time to give me a hand. You handled the situation with your usual finess. Great job to a great LADY.....David Schliem:):):)