ARA Overlay



Where can I find ARA overlays to use on RBA or IR 50/50 Targets?
Why not

Why not just shoot the ARA target. The perception is different as well as the scoring. Give it a try.
It is a clear plastic sheet with an ARA target etched on it that you lay over the top of other style targets.

If I shot a 250 21X RBA card I could use the overlay to see what my ARA score would be.
Fred J

I dont have any ARA targets to shoot and no ara matches around me.
take the target to your local copy place and have it printed on to an overhead projector sheet, other then that you are out of luck as there aint an overlay of the target.
take the target to your local copy place and have it printed on to an overhead projector sheet, other then that you are out of luck as there aint an overlay of the target.

Kathy says he has one:D
Kathy has one!!!

So, What's he going to do (1) put it up for bid;excluding everyone except his very "special friend" or (2) Is it simply "bragging rights"?
And NO I'm not going to ask how he came into possession of this "KILLER" piece of shooting paraphernalia.
Anyone that has ever done any scoreing knows that the grease ring or hole will lie to you when you look at it. The overlay is interesting for a quick look but without the ability to plug, no real comparison can be made. The plug helps IR and hurts ARA.

I'm with Don, an overlay only gives you a rough idea of what you would score. It could easily by off 200 points.

Jody ask a simple question and got two good answers from Rod and Peter. He didn't ask some of you your life history.
Hey Jerry

I'm sorry Jerry!! I see how your post was VERY HELPFUL to Jody. Keep up the your informative posts. Fred
Tough to compare

If you don't have ARA available in your area, then just shoot what you have, or start an ARA Club at your range. You can contact ARA HQ and they will gladly send you the pertinent information as to how to register your club and the requirements for sending scores and reports. Your members, do not have to be members of ARA, and your equipment is Unlimited. No weight or scope or rest restrictions. You will have to run it yourself, if you get no volunteers. As ARA uses negative scoring, you will have to practice this scoring method so you can explain it to your fellow competitors. Then, and only then can you compare your accomplishments with other ARA Competitors. Good luck in your quest for accuracy.

I don't remember exactly where you live but I met you in Montezuma one day with Bob Collins. ARA is shot in Birmingham and Oneonta, Al and Chattanooga, TN. There is going to be a shoot at Magic City at Birmingham on Sunday 21 of Sep. We would love to have you come and shoot with us. If you can't come then just go to ARA website and look under schedule to find out other dates. Look forward to seeing you. Mickey

If your looking for the overlays (ARA, IR 50/50 and RBA), send me a PM. I have them and know someone else that has them also.