ARA Nationals



OK only 4 days to go hope to see everyone there. Should be a nice weekend high around 85 but this is Mo so who knows.
Hey Red Shoes.......

Joe....good luck at the Nationals.I hope you do great but i have to "root" for my friend Mike Wells! Wish i could be there, perhaps another time.
Joe, I'm lookin for you to win it...I know there are a bunch of tough guys that are going to be there.

Killough has been awful hot.

If Brian Brandt can keep all of his parts screwed onto the end of his rifle he could even win it the way he has been shooting this year.

I won't be there....maybe next year. Its a shame to be only1.5 hours away and miss it. But in my line of work Labor day Saturday is the most important day of the year and it is hard not to be there. College Football kickoff!

Good Luck and give em hell!

I can't wait for this weekend. I've been working too much. It will be a good get away. I hope the best for you and I hope that more folks attend. It is the Nationals and that is simply put as...if you travel only once this year go to the Nationals. See you there Joe.

A little cheaper for gas.

Missouri has good gas prices too. On my way to work this morning, regular unleaded was $3.28/gal.

Hi Joe,:)
See you there I'll try and keep you on your toes:D
It will be good to see everyone that we only see at the Nationals.

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Bud and I will see you over there. It should be a great weekend to be sure.

Hi Joe,:)
See you there I'll try and keep you on your toes:D
It will be good to see everyone that we only see at the Nationals.


Mike, your competition will be seated next to you as you drive down. You're going to see the "real" Jan this year.:eek:;):D
Good luck to all the ARA shooters. Looking forward to seeing those 2500s.

The Nationals......

Well,i reckon a lot of the shooters are there by now.Tomorrow will be a day for sight in and ammo testing and final tuning.I wish you all the best and hope the weather is as nice as forcast. Good luck and good shooting to you all. Wish i was there but perhaps next year? Shoot well my friends.
Good luck guys and gals.

I hope everyone does their best.

Who will be the lucky man to win the ARA rifle?

Then the bigger question. Who will win it all?

I have my picks.
If Harry "The Tiger" Deneen is going to be there, think I'll put my money on him..

Who's it going to be

You got probably a good dozen + contenders within a shot or two who can win this thing, but being from Texas I'm going to put my Money on
Dan Killough for lately he seems to be hotter than normal and he's always a force to deal with when he steps to the line.

If the wind blows like last year, I think we will have a repeat champion.

If under normal conditions, Joe Besche or Brian Brandt will be very hard to beat.

Dan Killough will be tough to take as well.
I'm puttin my money on "California Joe." With all those 2500 scores, he's a sure bet for first place.
I saw at least ten people standing within 30 feet of one another today who are capable of winning this thing. It's gonna be a tough field.
ARA Champ.......

You are so right,my buddy Mike Wells just called and was telling me who all he saw just today.It read like a "who's who" list of rimfire champs! It shouuld be a terrific championship.I can hardly wait till it starts tomorrow and Mike calls me tomorrow evening to let me know how it's going! Mike said the wind was light today and made for what seemed to him a bit difficult shooting? It should be very interesting.Good shooting to all!
Colt.45 [Alan]