ARA Missouri State Results - Benchrest Rifle Club



Below are the results of our match last night.
It was a fantastic evening and we had many high scores.
There were many 2300's - 2450's.

Mark Meadows shot a 2500 ! ! !

Place Name Agg Tgt 1 Tgt 2 Tgt 3 Tgt 4 Tgt 5 Tgt 6
1st Mark Meadows 2329.17 2300 2500 2450 2150 2300 2275
2nd Steve Emmert 2316.67 2300 2400 2400 2350 2200 2250
3rd Dan Killough 2295.83 2400 2350 2200 2200 2225 2400
4th Joe Besche 2291.67 2150 2250 2300 2300 2350 2400
5th Brian Brandt 2272.50 2350 2160 2275 2275 2225 2350
6th Mike Sherrill 2266.67 2250 2400 2050 2250 2450 2200
7th Glen Townley 2266.67 2200 2050 2400 2300 2350 2300
8th Roger Brock 2250.00 2200 2200 2200 2300 2200 2400
9th Rodney Allen 2228.33 2200 2200 2210 2150 2410 2200
10th Dale Frost 2179.17 2200 2125 2450 2200 2050 2050
11th Reinhold Teten 2178.33 2200 2250 2050 2210 2150 2210
12th John Cloepfil 2170.83 2325 2000 2150 2300 2050 2200
13th Dusten Allen 2155.83 2175 1960 2175 2300 2025 2300
14th Tom Rippee 2154.17 2200 1925 2300 2350 2200 1950
15th Doug Brown 2133.33 2050 2175 2350 1975 2000 2250
16th Thomas Grant 2129.17 2225 2150 2225 2250 2050 1875
17th David Petty 2112.50 2025 2150 2300 2075 2000 2125
18th Rich Mills 2108.33 2100 2050 2050 2250 2075 2125
19th Roger Pepper 2093.33 1810 2150 2225 1825 2200 2350
20th Roscoe Moody 2087.50 2100 2175 1950 1900 2300 2100
21st Charlie Peters, Jr. 2085.00 1925 1925 2050 2100 2200 2310
22nd Max Petty 2065.83 2100 2300 1900 1985 2110 2000
23rd Jerry Ashby 2047.50 2050 2000 2200 1860 2250 1925
24th John Magoulias 2037.50 2175 1950 1950 1950 2225 1975
25th Mike McConnell 2008.33 2150 1700 1900 2200 1925 2175
26th Dennis Reineke 2007.50 2185 2075 1760 2000 2000 2025
27th Carl Dean 1995.00 2200 1810 1975 2010 2050 1925
28th Wes Pietsch 1968.33 2075 2025 1785 1725 2100 2100
29th Scott Jesse 1943.33 1975 1875 2000 1660 2100 2050
30th Dawn Killough 1897.50 1910 1825 1775 2100 2100 1675
31st Julle Allen 1882.50 1860 1835 1800 1875 2125 1800
32nd Jan McConnell 1766.67 1700 1975 1975 1625 1650 1675
That is some of the best scores I think I have ever seen. You guys are definately raising the bar.

Is that 2329.17agg a record for a 6 card outdoor shoot? I would tend to believe it is. But I may be wrong. That is smokin! And so are the guys right behind that agg.
Best scores I've ever seen

Congratulations Mark and ALL Shooters For shooting such GREAT SCORES Keep up the good shooting. Fred Leeds
WOW!!! Congratulations Mark on that 2500 and to all The AWESOME scores. Fantastic shooting by everyone. It's nice to see the weather nice for a change.

Take Care,
Nice Shooting

Just wanted to say Congrats to all for some fantastic shooting.

Big Thumbs up to Mark for his 2500.

Special hats off to my friend Dan K. for a nice 3rd place finish with two 2400's

To have 26 shooters out of 32 with aggs over 2000 is just about unbelievable, but it goes to show you the level of competition today.

Again, congrats to all.

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BRRC of St.Louis

I want to thank everybody involed with the Missouri State ARA Tournament last Saturday. The competition and the friendships are always the best thing I take back with me win or lose. The food was fantastic and the staff the greatest. Thanks to Dan and Dawn Killough for one of the nicest gun cases I have ever seen. Mike didn't mind the ride back as much as everyone thought he would. He is one with this game and loves it. He gets excited over the match in general no mater what the out come is. Mark
Congrats again, Mark...

Congratulations again, Mark, Great Shooting and I know it was a great ride back to Indiana. Mike's favorite line ..."Man, I love this game!" I know he was happy for you and he had some great scores, too!:)

Congratulations to all of the other shooters, too! Awesome scores by a lot of top notch shooters! :)

Sorry we had to miss it all. That's one tournament that kinda turns into a "Mini Nationals"...a time when you get to see a lot of friends coming from all over!

Congrats again on all those awesome scores! Donna
Congratulations again Mark.

Congratulations Mark!!!!!!!

Mark, you have started this year out red hot. You have that Turbo hummin' and are making it hard on all of us to try to keep up with you. I hope you maintain this pace the rest of the year and force the rest of us to step it up. Don't forget to check over your shoulder every once in a while, because I plan on pushing you hard to maintain your competitive edge.

The local matches should be very tough with you and Kirk both pushing everyone to new heights. What a tough year of competition we are faced with. Man, I love this game.

Mike Sherrill