ARA back to back matches-Waco


Fran B

Central TX Rifle and Pistol Club will have two club matches, Saturday July 12 and Sunday July 13. Six targets each day, 9am start. Please let me know if you are coming so I can have enough food for all.
Fran.....254.716.5450 cell
Went to the bank

Applied for a fuel loan this morning. Got approved by noon. Dorothy & I will be there.

I'll be there definitely Saturday and most likely Sunday too. Shooting at Dan's Saturday night so have to make the turn around to get back Sunday morning.

Dorothy Jamison wins at Waco Saturday

Dorothy Jamison wins with agg of 2152.17, also had high target of the day 2350. Dan Killough was 2nd 2117. Danny Keeney was 3rd, 2108.5
Lets see if Dorothy can spank us again tommorw.
Billy Russell wins Sundays Match

Billy beats Dorothy Jamison by 20.83 points to win todays match
1. Billy Russell 2087.33
2. Dorothy Jamison 2060.5 also high target today 2250 [2 of them]
3. Fred Jamison 2042
4. Ed Shilen 1987.67
Safe trip home

Just arrived back home, and our house felt like a freezer compared to your range. Dorothy had a ball both days, and if she hadn't got sick on the second and third target, I feel she would have improved on what she did Saturday. Her sugar level went down to around 40, and her vision started to blur. She stayed at it as I was trying to pump Carbs and sugar in to her system. As you can see, she came back to herself on the rest of the targets. Thanks again for a fine weekend.

Way to go Dorothy. Yes Fred I think that range at Waco is hotter than any range I've ever been to. I've never shot on the range but have watched my son compete in some IPSC combat matches a couple of years ago. Those cedar trees don't let in much air.
I can also relate to the low blood sugar. I have to keep some glucose tablets in my pocket at all times.
Larry Burchfield
Texarkana Gun Club
Congrat's Dorothy for the Win and High Targets.

Yes, Dorothy was definitely putting some hurt on us. Looks like that magic tuning dust really paid off, but of course it's the driver behind the wheel that counts. Had a great time and the food was outstanding. Being Texas in July hot is the only thing to expect, but the Air Conditioned scoring shack was nice to take a break in.

Oh and to add Nice shooting on Sunday Billy for the win. Once you got it figured out those last couple of targets was all it took.

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