ARA Agg/A-Line...


I've heard it so many times, I won't shoot in the wind and this or that range has too much wind and it will hurt my agg or A-line. This goes back about thirteen years of shooting both ARA & BR50. I still say, throwing out the agg completely and award points solely based on wins and placement is the only fair way to compare shooters all over the country.
There is some great input here guy's exactly what I was looking for.

I'm not trying to change things to stroke peoples ego's. I'm looking at this from a match directors stand point and how to make things better for my shooters and the ARA in general. I mean, what I hear from the shooters as a match director are their concerns about the game there shooting, and investing a lot of time and money into. So if they bring up these concerns to me, then as a match director, it's my responsibility to listen to these concerns and see how these can be addressed Not just say oh well and walk away from them and let it fester in their mind until they say screw it, nobody listens to what I have to say as a shooter so I'm done and quit shooting.

And we can't fix these little problems without change. And we can’t change without talking about it. So here it is. And thanks for keeping it civil too many threads go south in hurry anymore on these boards. So if you have any other ideas or thoughts on this matter keep’em coming!


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Placement over Aggregate

I like the idea of more emphasis on placement position and less on aggregate. On Saturday I shot an ARA match at Sunnyvale Rod and Gun Club. The condition were miserable, very high switching winds. On the last target four flags went down, and my target half blew off the backing at the beginning of the shooting period. Naturally I didn't shoot that target very well, but still hit all 25 bulls, and salvaged a 1275 score. Fortunately I still won the match, but my aggregate went down, as did everyone else who shot that day. I think most of us would like to forget our aggregate, and just take some satisfaction in where we placed.