We'll I can try 223 cases if I need to but I have ample supply of 222.5 cases formed from 222 mag so I hope they shoot good .
I'm surprised there aren't more replies about your rifle. I'm of the opinion your action is one made before Shilen came to Texas whilst with Dewey. It looks to be an SS&D action which I believe stood for "Shooters Service and Dewey".
I have # 139. Not many years ago there was an article in Precision Shootiong by afellow(I believe in California) who found one of these rifles for sale in a store. I wrote him at the time and told him about mine and asked what his serial number was.
The only other SS&D rifle I have seen was owned by Larry Engelbrecht from Wichita and a former Pres. of the NBRSA. It was a .222 in a wood stock NOT glued in. I shot beside him at Luther, OK. and he told me he shot it one time a year for old times' sake. I was shooting mine that day also. I remember his last group at 100 was .163!
Very nice and desirable rifle.Don Rorhschach had one I have seen. I'm fairly sure it was and I THINK it also was a .222.5.
the old stuff is interesting and the jacket is priceless.
Loved your post.
R.B. Carl