Anyone Else Get This Suspicious E-mail?



Has anyone else gotten this e-mail?

My name is Nils Salonen. I am 24 years old Finnish male and I am making a long journey canoeing from Whitehorse, Canada to Bering Sea, Ak/US. I will begin my journey 22th of july with a flight from Helsinki, Finland and I will return to Finland from Anchorage at 30th of november.

I would like to bring a rifle from Finland for protection against wildlife. The only thing I should do is to fill "ATF F 6NIA". I have a license to own and carry my rifle (Tikka T3 Lite Stainless .30-06) in Finland and I have passed Hunter's License in Finland.

I don't possess any hunting license to Canada or USA. Could You help to get my ATF F 6NIA approved by inviting me to a competitive target shooting event?


Kuralantie 9
13500 Hämeenlinna
Suomi - Finland
phone: +358-40-5718268

I hate to be untrusting, but doesn't this strike you as odd? I have no idea how this guy got my e-mail.
Could be................................................ ............

Another illegal democrat looking for a place to roost!!:eek::eek::eek:
Every african student has $ 10,000,000.00 he wants to share with me if I help him get it to the US. I get 5-10 of these E-mails everyday.....
I don't see anything too strange about it but I think Nils is a bit naive to think any American is likely to view this with anything but suspicion. Sounds like a great trip if he can pull it off. Regards, Bill.
Has anyone else gotten this e-mail?

My name is Nils Salonen. I am 24 years old Finnish male and I am making a long journey canoeing from Whitehorse, Canada to Bering Sea, Ak/US. I will begin my journey 22th of july with a flight from Helsinki, Finland and I will return to Finland from Anchorage at 30th of november.

I would like to bring a rifle from Finland for protection against wildlife. The only thing I should do is to fill "ATF F 6NIA". I have a license to own and carry my rifle (Tikka T3 Lite Stainless .30-06) in Finland and I have passed Hunter's License in Finland.

I don't possess any hunting license to Canada or USA. Could You help to get my ATF F 6NIA approved by inviting me to a competitive target shooting event?


Kuralantie 9
13500 Hämeenlinna
Suomi - Finland
phone: +358-40-5718268

I hate to be untrusting, but doesn't this strike you as odd? I have no idea how this guy got my e-mail.

RUN, RUN I say, do not walk to the nearest exit! I smell a huge rat on this one! Block the sender. If you feel so inclined to report this to our friends @ ATF, I would not blame you.
Thanks for not trusting me or not to even send a reply. Anyway, my trip was a total success even though I had to ship my rifle back to Finland before crossing the border of USA.

I saw lots of wildlife, grizzlies, black bears, wolves, moose, eagles, hawks, beavers, otters. Man, that was great!

I felt a bit insecure without my rifle, but just by using common sense I had no problems. Just the bit insecure feeling. And no, I am not a terrorist even though after completing my journey I maybe looked a bit like one having a two-month beard.

And Jim, I got your e-mail from the webpage.
here is a link to a Finnish radio channel that followed my trip via satellite phone.

P.s. I hope You remove my original e-mail I sent to You from this page.

Nils you have to understand that your e-mail was out of the blue and with the difficulties we face in this country with over zealous government agencies your e-mail was considered suspicious, you were asking someone you didn't know and who didn't know you, to make false statements on a federal paperwork and put his right to own a firearm and his freedom in jeopardy.
Why didn't you buy a hunting license or actually enter a competition while planning this trip, why didn't you provide some references at the least. Don't blame anyone but yourself for your being unprepared for the trip.
I don't think you can really blame Jim for being suspicous of your email.
We get a lot of odd emails from many different shifty characters. And your email had the same flavor.

What if you got an email that said.
"Hey you don't know me but I want to carry a gun in your country and I will be there next week and I want you to say that I am an official marksmanship competitor but I am not really going to compete so just go ahead and lie for me."
I would have done the same.
You should have planned better and taken care of these steps before you left.
To ask another person to lie for you is a very low act indeed.
Considering that he's from an area where people aren't as paranoid as they are in the States, it probably doesn't seem all that strange to him. Certainly more background info would have been good to include, but hey, if it worked out I guess that's fine.

It does look like quite an adventure. If I may ask Nils, what was your reason for doing this trip? In the article it says that you've done a lot of outdoor adventures. This seems to me a bit out of the ordinary really. "Hard Core" would be a term for it here! It's a long time without contact to the rest of the world.

I'm bet it would have been a lot of fun. According to your timetable, you're back 2 months early. Probably good since it's going to get cold there soon.
You have to be careful nowadays , just because he actually did a trip and it was covered by the press does not reveal anything about his actual intentions.
I remember another famous kayak trip by a European person during the second world war. All the way from Europe to Australia. It was hailed as a great sporting feat , many people helped and fed this person on the way, some agencies thought he was a spy.
There was large distances unaccounted for by paddling time and food supplies .
Some say he may have been supported by German U boats.
Not saying this guy is a spy but you don't know what is behind anything anymore. Jim is the kind of guy I want watching my back.
Has anyone else gotten this e-mail?

My name is Nils Salonen. I am 24 years old Finnish male and I am making a long journey canoeing from Whitehorse, Canada to Bering Sea, Ak/US. I will begin my journey 22th of july with a flight from Helsinki, Finland and I will return to Finland from Anchorage at 30th of november.

I would like to bring a rifle from Finland for protection against wildlife. The only thing I should do is to fill "ATF F 6NIA". I have a license to own and carry my rifle (Tikka T3 Lite Stainless .30-06) in Finland and I have passed Hunter's License in Finland.

I don't possess any hunting license to Canada or USA. Could You help to get my ATF F 6NIA approved by inviting me to a competitive target shooting event?


Kuralantie 9
13500 Hämeenlinna
Suomi - Finland
phone: +358-40-5718268

I hate to be untrusting, but doesn't this strike you as odd? I have no idea how this guy got my e-mail.

Not really odd. It looks like a hunter/shooter/firearms owner from another country has an adventure planned and wanted to abide by the laws of the land... an invitation to a target shoot would allow him to apply to the ATF for a temporary import license... if it was granted, then he could have brought his rifle along... and would have had to take it back out with him... it is not a license to shoot people and any terrorist would not bother to do all the paperwork..

I probably would have replied to it asking for more information... and ask how he got referred to you...

... some of the replies are quite paranoid and have wild imaginations in my mind ...
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I guess I'm a cynic. Is the author "Murmeli" - Nils? Who knows?

Thanks for not trusting me or not to even send a reply. Anyway, my trip was a total success even though I had to ship my rifle back to Finland before crossing the border of USA.

I saw lots of wildlife, grizzlies, black bears, wolves, moose, eagles, hawks, beavers, otters. Man, that was great!

I felt a bit insecure without my rifle, but just by using common sense I had no problems. Just the bit insecure feeling. And no, I am not a terrorist even though after completing my journey I maybe looked a bit like one having a two-month beard.

And Jim, I got your e-mail from the webpage.
here is a link to a Finnish radio channel that followed my trip via satellite phone.

P.s. I hope You remove my original e-mail I sent to You from this page.


...if you had posted your question here instead of a blind email to a stranger you would have gotten a positive response??

My radar would have gone off too nor would I have replied!! Glad everything turned out.

If you would have singled out my e-mail address,it probably would have meant a trip up the Yukon to Dawson City/Whitehorse YT,Canada with me to drop you off so you could start your adventure.

I'm glad everything work out in your favor!!!

Alaska is AWESOME isn't it???

Seems you & I were the only(non-paranoid) ones that figured out Nils intentions.

Not to single a location out-B.C.,Canada is BEAUTIFUL also(to say the least)
If this is/was all aboveboard why is he home in Sept instead of November like the initial note? I still think something is fishy in Denmark or was it Finland.
I read his letter as honest

Here is a person who reads our posts, reading and writing in English, not his native language, and asks to be invited to a shoot. "Could You help to get my ATF F 6NIA approved by inviting me to a competitive target shooting event?" I guess you can read that as please lie for me, but you can also read that as please invite me. I have not seen the ATF F 6NIA form, but will bet a dollar to a donut it asks for info the BATF can use to easily check out it's bona-fides (sp?). My 2¢ worth.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar " - you get my point.

At least next time he should not have any problems and can visit some new shooting friends.

security conscious

This extra sensitivity to anything unusual has become ingrained in our national psyche since 9/11 and I'm not sure it's a bad thing to be extra vigilant and suspicious of anything that seems out of the ordinary. The best eyes and ears, to mitigate another 9/11 or worse, are the everyday people who are now sensitized to possible threats and questioning something if it smells funny. If only people at the flight training schools, where Mohammed Atta and the other 9/11 hijackers trained, asked these questions, 9/11 may not have been so easy.
The "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" has been moving toward the "Land of the Restricted and Home of the Suspicious" since well before 9/11. It's just gotten worse since then. Just the other day, my wife (Idaho born and raised) sat in the security area at an airport while an agent carefully went through her carry on bag and purse. I told her it was because her Chemo induced hairdo made her look like one of those radical skinhead Muslims. These people are typically older women with suspicious "Worlds Best Grandma" medallions on their keychains. On the bright side, the other passengers probably felt much safer. Phooey! Regards, Bill.