Any rimfire benchrest matches in Massachusetts this year?


Brad Niese

Are there any clubs hosting rimfire benchrest in Massachusetts this year? I didn't see any schedule listed on the 50/50 or ARA page.
Brad: Looks like you will have to come back to Michigan to shoot!!!
Hi Brad,
Sounds great that you are coming back, Easthampton will have 3 gun and UL matches plus will hold it`s first state 3 gun match this year, that is Michael Gallant.
Also Paul Bendix will be holding UL matches and "maybe" a state UL match, that`s all I`ve heard so far!
Salem matches are all ready posted and we`d be happy to see you there!
Hey Brad,
Good to hear you're getting back into the game. As Pete said, I'll be running 5 IR 50/50 3-Gun and 5 UL SOTY matches and the MA 3-Gun State, out here at the Easthampton Club. I'll send you a schedule when it's finalized. Should confirm all the dates with the BOD the first week in March.

The first match will be in May, then every month through Oct.

I worked my dates around the NY state matches and the IR 50/50 Nationals.

Good to hear from you boys! I've been granted a hall pass for at least one match a month, maybe two if I'm good. :D I don't have sporter, but I do have one 10.5 pound rifle to play with now. Looking forward to shooting again!

So, how old is the baby now: 3, or maybe 4? And how's your wife doing?

Dave Shattuck
Hey Brad,

Augusta, Maine has some 50/50 Unlimited matches scheduled. They are held on Saturdays. I'll likely shoot most of them.

Phoebe will be 3 in May, Sebastian just turned one. Boy do they keep us busy! :D Olga is good and still trying to keep me out of trouble. I'm sure I don't make that easy for her. Thanks for asking.

I'm not sure how much traveling I'll be doing. I would love to shoot Augusta again though. You still shoot IBS? If I can I would love to make at least one match with my 30BR this year in VT, CT, or ME. Hope to see you somewhere!
Yes Brad, I am still shooting IBS. The RF is a newish thing for me. I have been shoting some 50/50 matches this winter here in Florida. Hope to see you somewhere also.

I will be running IR 50 Unlimited matches and Unlimited state shoot at Holbrook this year. I have not finalized the dates yet. Hoping to qualify for the airgun world matches in S.C. this summer. Will let you know when the dates are set. Should be in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for the picture of the family! Hope to see you soon.