Any news from Weikert?

The order was 1st Larry Costa, 2nd Kevin Donald jr. , 3rd Jeff Pineheart, 4th Howie Levi and 5th Harley Baker.
The great part is that Kevin is 14 years old and he shot against 50 shooters in tough, strong and switching wind!!!
For those coming back to Weikert for the IBS nationals in July come ready for Kevin.!
Jeff had a great showing and won some good wood. Howie was doing awesome until the last group when a big wind switch caught him. Harley had his rifle come unglued and still finished 5th!!
Thanks to the Boop family, Mark who ran a great match and a target crew that never missed a beat.
Congratulations Larry and thanks for the information. It seems that there are a few more youngsters shooting at each match and that is a great thing to see.

Great shooting Kevin Donald Jr. That is a tough crowd you were competing with. How about youngster Howie Levy. Way to go Howie! Jeff and Harley, nice shooting as usual. I wonder what Harley will be like when he comes to a match with a gun that doesn't give him problems.

Wish I was there! Hope to see the same crowd at Weikert later this summer at the Nationals.

Dale and Mark always run a first rate match and the Nationals will be no exception.

Bill McIntyre
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Good job Mr Costa, gotta feel good heading to the SS.

At the hog roast I seen some practice targets Kevin shot at 200 yards. This young man is gonna be hard to handle very soon.

Kevin: 2nd place to a HOF shooter is nothing to hang your head about. Good job!

Congrats to all the winners!
