Any Canjar triggers for Win 52B out there??



Looking to find the discontinued Canjar trigger for the Winchester 52 B; anybody got one lying around collecting dust?
Thanks. Send me an email or pm if you can help out.
Best Regards,
Looking to find the discontinued Canjar trigger for the Winchester 52 B; anybody got one lying around collecting dust?
Thanks. Send me an email or pm if you can help out.
Best Regards,

It took me six years to find one. Hope you have better luck then me.

i would talk to gen davis about modifying what you have at least get his opinion.

i have a 52d he has smitthed great rifle.

Hey, Bullgun,
What exactly is wrong with the B trigger, I've heard the stories, but never felt one. My sporter, which was pre A slowlock,( you've seen on RFC) has a trigger that is made out of modified speed lock and B parts. It feels pretty good. I'm sure it's no canjar and its not as good as my C's micro-motion, but its not far off....just a little bit more movement. I think you could make something pretty good with some old B parts and some home-grown ingenuity. Unless you're looking for a true top notch match trigger.

See ya
I was thinking Hongisto also might work some magic on these.