antigun talk on a gun site?? can anyone explain it to me ??

We didnt hear any of this anti gun BS after 911. We didnt know what was coming at us that day. I felt better knowing I had a black rifle and some high cap mags I could grab if I had to. Our benchrest rifles are on the list to. People probably had the same kind of discussion when they went from trapdoors to henerys.
my way of thinking on this is the 2nd wasnt intended to protect me from any one person but from a government that can control the people. so i believe if the government can have fully autos so can a citizen.
Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Fedralist Papers," If the representatives of the people betray their constituents,there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense" which is paramount to all positive forms of government. he later wrote in the same document, regarding usurpations, the citizen must rush tumultuously to arms, without system,without concert,without resource, except in their courage and despair.
In times of upevial and usurpations of the constitution the people of the state or country, were and are considered the last line of defense, and therefore considered the militia, therefore in keeping with that system of defense the maintenance of all personally owned firearms is necessary. Without the people as a militia the government is free to impose whatever restictions it feels is necessary without fearing any retaliation from the people that placed them in power. We would otherwise become subjects not citizens! If you hold the belief that our government doesn't want your firearms and I mean all of them then you are living in a world of denial. To every problem there is a soulution, and if you not part of the solution then you are part of the problem! Those of you arguing for limits on any firearm, which side of the above statement are you on? You can't have it both ways.
Why has no child died in a school fire in the last 50 years? because we have fire drills in schools, we also have fire extinguishers, and sprinkler systems and fireman that come to the schools and train kids and teachers how to react in that type of emergency. Schools have no such training for reaction to situations like what happened in Connecticut! Why Not?
Because they are in denial, they would rather take away all firearms instead of training young kids and teachers how to deal with extreme situations like this. Does anyone think that a school could be better designed to fend off attacks like this?
How about reinforced concrete walls that a bullet wouldn't penetrate and likewise a bullet proof door and single point entry to each class room, how about an electronic gate that isolates the students from the entrance in an emergency the gate is activated and locks down the school and isolates the shooter to a smaller area. Ther are a ton of methods we could utilize but government both local and federal only see one methodology to solve the problem. The Government has only one point of view, if we remove the gun problem solved!
Your correct iTs about CONTROL More taxes and more Control. Those people in washington are no friend of the average citizen.
the biggest problem we have today in America is Government and the restriction placed upon us by certain politicians.
Does anyone think that a school could be better designed to fend off attacks like this?
How about reinforced concrete walls that a bullet wouldn't penetrate and likewise a bullet proof door and single point entry to each class room, how about an electronic gate that isolates the students from the entrance in an emergency the gate is activated and locks down the school and isolates the shooter to a smaller area.
That's logical. It's also pretty heartbreaking. I used to love being able to run home between classes if I had forgotten something; we lived across the street. Now, it takes a permission slip two weeks in advance for a kid to get off-campus during the day. However logical this may seem, I can't support it. I think we lose something very basic when we teach children that it's OK to be educated in a facility that could be converted to a prison just by changing the sign out front. I'd like to see more freedom, not less. That's why I'd favor arming a few (self-selected, carefully screened, highly trained, well equipped) teachers. That solution is totally low-key, potentially effective, and doesn't require young people to conform to the notion that it's OK for their employers to lock them up during the day just so they can do their jobs.

Gun control certainly ain't the answer. I don't think there is any single answer. But I do think we could do some things better.

Nice to see someone proposing implementable ideas, even if I don't agree. Thanks, Steelhead1.
All gun owners need to stick together to defend all gun rights. The anti's methods are to pick at our gun rights one type of gun at a time. Next on the list will be "highley accurate scoped rifles", they will call them "Sniper rifles". Thats all the benchrest guns. "Stick together or hang seperatly"

and after they confiscate ( or attempt to) all magazines with more than 10 rounds, what are they going to do about all modern semi-auto handguns with a capacity of 13-15 like my S&W MP ?
My dad used to pick me up in front of my elementary school and take me squirrel hunting. Sure there were guns in the car. Now that would get him years in jail. We have lost a lot. We need less laws, not more. However, we need to be mindful of the lens we are under. You might think that a 50 BMG or an electric trigger-puller are neat, but people who use those need to be aware that when used in close proximity to housing, they can inflame the opposition. I'm not for appeasement, but I'm for an awareness of the environment. Here in central Vermont, the countryside is blanketed with homes in a way that wasn't true 50 years ago. I shudder when I see people, even police, shooting into the ground at some of our ranges, and who knows where those rounds might come down. We need to encourage safe, considerate behavior or we're going to lose the battle.
and after they confiscate ( or attempt to) all magazines with more than 10 rounds, what are they going to do about all modern semi-auto handguns with a capacity of 13-15 like my S&W MP ?

Anyone who doesn't think that they want all guns banned has their head up their butt, this is the same ol' divide and conquer scheme they use everytime they get a chance. I personally don't own an ar or a hi cap pistol but I damn sure support the right own them.