
John S

When using anti-seize lubricant on threaded parts do you lubricate both the male and female threads?

Do you lubricate all the way around the threads?

Or what/how?

I have always just run a very small bead down the side of the male threads, but was told to lube both sets of threads all the way around????

Doubt it makes much difference where the anti-seize is applied, but the cleanest way to apply it is to put it on the barrel threads.
thin even coat on the easiest part to get to will do in most cases.
some very easily galled ss should get both sides coated,, typically not seen in guns.
Thin film

thin even coat on the easiest part to get to will do in most cases.
some very easily galled ss should get both sides coated,, typically not seen in guns.

Thinly coat the box and pin. If the metal will not retain the anti sieze you may have to apply a thin coating of dry moly.

Close interference threads will gaul with excessive anti sieze.
what are you talking about ??
box pin excess causing galling ????

Thinly coat the box and pin. If the metal will not retain the anti sieze you may have to apply a thin coating of dry moly.

Close interference threads will gaul with excessive anti sieze.