Anti Gun Law just filed

In other news, you should turn in to late night CNN [yes I know] to watch co sponsor, TX own Sheila Hewitt running hearings on slavey reparations.
You would think we are living in 19th century Ghana........Jesus.
Sheila Jackson Lee (D) [Texas's 18th congressional district]
is a special kind of ignorant.

She has been introducing this bill every year for a
while now at the start of each Concessional Session.

The other Dumbs quickly scuttle it.
Well as you know the Democrats have already started on passed their first gun control agenda and when they pass the assault weapons and magazine band that will also be passed next. You will find out how they plan to take your legaly bought ones away from yourselves. There are already laws on the books for the criminals that they have always refused to uphold. Because they don't have any interest in any of theirs but only all of those you legally own yourselves. That has always been their only agenda and they need the criminals as that is their excuse and why they haven't gone after them.
Well as you know the Democrats have already started on passed their first gun control agenda and when they pass the assault weapons and magazine band that will also be passed next. You will find out how they plan to take your legaly bought ones away from yourselves. There are already laws on the books for the criminals that they have always refused to uphold. Because they don't have any interest in any of theirs but only all of those you legally own yourselves. That has always been their only agenda and they need the criminals as that is their excuse and why they haven't gone after them.

Now they need criminals to empty the jails. And some of us might fill those jails......someday.....
This stuff is just a repeat of history. Germany 1933 and Russia 1918.....Venezuela 2000....
Feinstein's turn to push and to pass her assault weapons bill and it will be the second one that will pass already this year. She has already announced it and they are coming after your firearm's and you can't stop it. They now have control over everything and they are going to use it against you. Gas is also now on the rise and it will get past 5.00 dollars if not 6:00 here in a before all is said and done. And tax hikes will also be coming before to long and one can safely bet some money on that.
Just watched it myself and everyone should and to also share it with others. It is a very truthful and power message and we need more law enforcement leaders just like him.
Just watched it myself and everyone should and to also share it with others. It is a very truthful and power message and we need more law enforcement leaders just like him.

Thank You Louis.

Hopefully this will help and bring some of those out of the dark.
Whatever we can do to help!!!!!

Thanks Again Sir.
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