another thought problem, NOT gun related


oft dis'd member
Back in the day we've had all sorts of discussions about things like "how does a muzzle brake work" and "how does a bullet fly in a crosswind" and "can a bullet be over-stabilized" and "why does a left-blown bullet impact high?"

We've even had topics about cars and trains and airplanes.

Well here's one that threw my world off axis for a bit.

This guy built a buggy that goes faster than the wind........ a vehicle which goes faster than the wind without an outside power source...... and got an open innernet bet for 10 Large with a professor who said "that defies the laws of physics."

It's got me and mine talking :)

And as a "money where yer mouth is" guy who has a similar bet out there about bullets going to sleep, I liked this guy's approach :)

So here's the vid of the bet setup. Other vids are available which expand on the subject but this is the first one I saw, the one sent to me.
sail boats can go faster then the wind

Well, not really...... yes, a good boat can hit 20mph groundspeed ACROSS a 10mph wind but it will never catch a balloon blowing downwind. ie it will never travel WITH the wind as fast as the wind is blowing.

This silly mo'chine will pass a balloon
Ice boats can go even faster. You can look it up.

And thanks, Al, for spelling muzzle brake correctly!
I don’t have to look it up, vt, my little DN would hit 70 MPH on a regular basis as long as the ice was clear of snow.
Everything FBecigneul and rsmithsr says is true..... rigs can go much FASTER than the measured windspeed by tacking. Especially low-drag ice or even wheeled machines..... But if you send a balloon down the wind it don't make no nevermind if you're doing 70mph YOU'LL NEVER PASS THE BALLOON! You'll never move downwind faster than the wind.

Shucks, kites'll go a hunner't miles an hour sideways. But you let go the string.....

This silly thing will go straight downwind, picking up speed until the flags are flying backward!


Not NEW, they were building them a hunner't years ago, but new to me :)
I no longer race sailboats but even in the technology of that day, a sailboat will multiply the speed of the wind. A positive pressure on the windward side of the sail and a negative pressure on the leeward side of the sail accomplishes that. Downwind is not the fastest speed accomplished but it can and will be faster than the wind. Do a little reading about today’s boats and everyone will see your balloon will burst. Hell, the sails aren’t even cloth any more.
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not only not "sails',, but WINGS, and keels that allow the boat to fly out of the drag of the water..less drag

I no longer race sailboats but even in the technology of that day, a sailboat will multiply the speed of the wind. A positive pressure on the windward side of the sail and a negative pressure on the leeward side of the sail accomplishes that. Downwind is not the fastest speed accomplished but it can and will be faster than the wind. Do a little reading about today’s boats and everyone will see your balloon will burst. Hell, the sails aren’t even cloth any more.
Some years back I was crewing on a Pearson 50. It was a blustery day on Lake St. Clair when the captain/skipper/ owner said we’d be heading down wind on a spinnaker run. They’re sometimes tough to handle but I love the exhilaration of a down wind haul. We’ll, it was too blustery for a run with #1 and it blew out. We could see he wasn’t happy but we gathered in the lines and the spinnaker and spinnaker pole. Then we all wondered what he was thinking when he said get #2 ready. If #1 can’t handle it you guess what will happen to #2. Yep. POW. Get the lines, the spinnaker and spinnaker pole hauled in and he says get #3 ready. All of this is work, don’t forget. We hoisted and POW, #3 was gone. So we went back to the Genoa and wing and wing. His little temper tantrum probably cost $15,000.00-$18,000.00 but he got all new matching spinnakers a month later. Ain’t it nice to have money?? Jerry Shostack was his name.
I got by nicely with a Cal 25.
[QUOTE A LEFT BLOWN CAN GO HIGH IN 2 WAYS BY LETUPS AND PICKUPS OR DIAGINAL WIND.=alinwa;846197]Back in the day we've had all sorts of discussions about things like "how does a muzzle brake work" and "how does a bullet fly in a crosswind" and "can a bullet be over-stabilized" and "why does a left-blown bullet impact high?"

We've even had topics about cars and trains and airplanes.

Well here's one that threw my world off axis for a bit.

This guy built a buggy that goes faster than the wind........ a vehicle which goes faster than the wind without an outside power source...... and got an open innernet bet for 10 Large with a professor who said "that defies the laws of physics."

It's got me and mine talking :)

And as a "money where yer mouth is" guy who has a similar bet out there about bullets going to sleep, I liked this guy's approach :)

So here's the vid of the bet setup. Other vids are available which expand on the subject but this is the first one I saw, the one sent to me.[/QUOTE] UP AND DOWN BY LETUP AND PICKETS OR DIAGINAL MISREAD AS LEFT AND RIGHT.
[quote due to misreading a left and right diagonal such whats at kelbys blown can go high in 2 ways by letups and pickups or diaginal wind.=alinwa;846197]back in the day we've had all sorts of discussions about things like "how does a muzzle brake work" and "how does a bullet fly in a crosswind" and "can a bullet be over-stabilized" and "why does a left-blown bullet impact high?"

we've even had topics about cars and trains and airplanes.

Well here's one that threw my world off axis for a bit.

This guy built a buggy that goes faster than the wind........ A vehicle which goes faster than the wind without an outside power source...... And got an open innernet bet for 10 large with a professor who said "that defies the laws of physics."

it's got me and mine talking :)

and as a "money where yer mouth is" guy who has a similar bet out there about bullets going to sleep, i liked this guy's approach :)

so here's the vid of the bet setup. Other vids are available which expand on the subject but this is the first one i saw, the one sent to me.
up and down by letup and pickets or diaginal misread as left and right.[/quote]
That balloon is full of hot air if you think it can go faster downwind than a sailboat. Your analogy is faulted. Or, it’s B.S.
Just thought of something; when was the last time you sailed and what were the balloons doing out there?
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