I'll pay your entry fee for one day, and try to help to make arrangements for you to do that at a match in Tacoma. I would think that it would be very good for business. I didn't say that I knew that it couldn't be done, just that absent published match results, I am extremely doubtful. Oh, and I wasn't talking about just any caliber. I believe that the claim was made for a .308. Added later: Make that a tactical rifle, in .308.
And exactly what good is a quarter minute rifle "at Tacoma?" (I'm _assuming_ you mean that I "should take one to a BR match"??)
Are you trying to make a point somehow, what with all the "I'll even pay your way" stuff? What would be accomplished by wasting range time with a quarter minute rifle at a BR match? "Proving" 1/4moa accuracy?
And BTW I still have several cases of 308 Match (yes, that'll shoot in a 308 Winchester)..... I used to buy cases of the stuff, Match Fed/Win/Rem and until one of you guys steps and tells me HE'S TRIED IT I can't give any credence to people thinking that factory loaded Match ammo can't shoot. Build a gun around Match ammunition and it'll shoot "quarter minute all day."
As far as building quarter minute rifles in a variety of calibers, Dan Kinneman's been advertising it for 20yrs. Kenny Jarrett, Darrell Holland, Dan Dowling, Speedy....... I could go on with folks who'd be happy to put a 1/4moa spec on a steenking varmint rifle.
And constantly throwing in garbage about "but matches are won with quarter inch groups" and "yeahh but a PPC won't shoot 1/4" groups where I shoot" is completely irrelevant. Unless someone steps up to say "I built a bunch of rifles and fired them in good testing conditions and couldn't get 1/4 inch groups" they're just speculating......... And If anyone REALLY wants to know I'll bet them plane fare, come on out and shoot 100yds on my range with my 308's, me calling the wind, and if YOU can't shoot 1/4" groups with one of those stupid tacticool 308's then I pay your fare..... well OK, if you suck enough I might have to pull the trigger while you watch BUT, you will definitely see "quarter inch 5-shot groups" fired from a "stupid tacticool rifle." I'll shoot 1/4" groups from a friggin
bipod fer cryin' out loud. You WILL be buying your own plane ticket.
Getting 1/4moa accuracy from a custom rifle using short/fat bullets is dead easy.
Now getting 1/4moa from long/skinny bullets is hard, but that's a whole nuther ballawax.
but that was never the question was it?

I just hadda' adda edit......
Come on over here to the NorthLeft Coast, up near where Boyd's wanting me to "shooot a 308 in competition" and I could introduce you to a group of Good Ol' Boys who'll show you full-on 308's shooting 1/4 minute aggs WITH 6X SCOPES! And little skinny forends....Ohhh yes, and it's a form of competition too.... altho some will argue it's "too easy."
And then there's Michael Cavanaugh........
308's ROCK! Bruce D'Artus useta' shoot 1/4moa at a friggin' MILE with a 308....